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Is there a such thing as a electic wastegate?


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Ok so I want to use a hobbs switch set up to create a two stage boost controller but I need a Large valve that can be opened and closed with a electic power supply. It also need to move enough air flow to release boost. Thanks in advance for any help.


[ 20. April 2004, 05:30 PM: Message edited by: buckeye ]

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some boost controllers will hold the wastegate shut until a desired boost then convert to your duty cycle


for instance you want to run 20 psi


on a lot of them you can set it to have 100% duty cycle until it reaches 18.5 or so and then it will convert to your duty cycle so youll hold 20 psi

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You mean a wastegate, NOT a blow off valve. Boost is NOT controlled via a blow off valve (a valve on the compressor side, not the exh side).


I'm not aware of an electrically controlled wastegate - with the temperatures involved, a WG has to be as technically simple and robust as possible if its going to last.

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Guest stevil

Do you want something that pops open on the charge side, like for an emergency?


Say you use a wastegate and your max is 20 psi, but you have something else after the compressor and it pops open at 26 psi... not used to control boost, but to cover your ass incase something happens with the wastegate, just for emergencies.

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He is talking about about this:








Turbo Dodge guys have been doing it for years.

I recently assembled this system and found it to perform poorly on my TD.


Probably due to the fact that component specs have changed over the years, or it couldn't react quick enough on my car.



Mine would swing 2-3 psi back and forth, pulsing he WG...which sucked.


I am back to running a normal MBC now.

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Originally posted by buckeye:

ya I did say blow off valve but ment waste gate. I found the site that i got the idea from i and found that they just use a electric vacume valve to control the stock waste gate at higher psi and stop bleed off before max boost.

there ya go. That makes sense. I reread your edit and was gonna say you wont find a valve large enough that would last long under the amount of heat a WG sees. You're on the right track and the above diagram is probably what you were looking for.


Good luck with the project smile.gif

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Originally posted by T.B.D. PEE:



I recently assembled this system and found it to perform poorly on my TD.


Probably due to the fact that component specs have changed over the years, or it couldn't react quick enough on my car.



Mine would swing 2-3 psi back and forth, pulsing he WG...which sucked.

sounds like the solenoid was cycling. you could try a few different kinds of solenoids if you're set on this setup. I like ball/spring MBC's (i'm cheap) - I've found you can play with the spring tension (use cut springs from ball point pen internals.. heh) - when you have a good combo, you see no spike and boost comes on strong.
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