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03/04 Cobra Mechanic Needed

Bigg Slimm

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Does anyone have any experience with or know of a good reputable shop that has experience working on 03/04 Cobras, in particular the drivetrain ie: transmission, driveshaft, etc.?


Hensler Racing has been mentioned and is at the top of the list thus far, but I would still like to hear from you guys.



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Originally posted by Crocostimpy:

I would ask Hensler racing about the 03 cobra that was wrecked by a worker at his shop before you take it there......

stimpy, you may or may not know all the details about that story, but if you dont, then you should really check it out before you drag someones name through the mud. besides this one issue, ive have heard nothing but wonderful things about henslers work. :cool:



disclaimer: i have no personal stake in this, one way or the other. i just dont like seeing local businesses get badmouthed by people who dont relly know what theyre talking about.

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Poe Pimp - Your name wouldn't happen to be Alfred would it? If so I believe we have talked on the phone. :cool:



At any rate we do work on 03 Cobras as well and can take care of whatever it is you need done. We have the mechanical and engineering expertise to work on everything. Check out our customer John's car in the pics section (try not to get distracted ;) ) John's 03 Cobra

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FYI, John, you don't know the story by some dipshit Sheriff who reneged on his end of the deal.


A sub-contracted shop that welds next door wrecked the car you speak of, not James. James was at home for the evening when someone he trusted to field work to went tear-assing around and smacked a tree.


100% free work and parts (performance and cosmetic) were offered and accepted by the owner, and he later reneged on his end and started bashing and making false claims. You really need to do some more research other than SVTPerformance.com before coming to a judgement call.


I stand by Hensler Racing and don't even have a Mustang, if that tells ya anything :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Admin Pee:

FYI, John, you don't know the story by some dipshit Sheriff who reneged on his end of the deal.


A sub-contracted shop that welds next door wrecked the car you speak of, not James. James was at home for the evening when someone he trusted to field work to went tear-assing around and smacked a tree.


100% free work and parts (performance and cosmetic) were offered and accepted by the owner, and he later reneged on his end and started bashing and making false claims. You really need to do some more research other than SVTPerformance.com before coming to a judgement call.


I stand by Hensler Racing and don't even have a Mustang, if that tells ya anything :rolleyes:

I've never had any work done by Hensler, but I most certainly will. Everyone I know who has taken stuff there has been extremely happy with their work. I'd definitely suggest them.
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Just warning the guy... I sure as hell would want to know if a shop that I was thinking of taking a $30k+ car to had just wrecked the exact same type of car.


And I didn't make any claims on Hensler racing and the type of work they do. graemlins/nonono.gif:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Crocostimpy:

Just warning the guy... I sure as hell would want to know if a shop that I was thinking of taking a $30k+ car to had just wrecked the exact same type of car.


And I didn't make any claims on Hensler racing and the type of work they do. graemlins/nonono.gif:rolleyes:

I agree with John... he is just stating what he knows... John does all his car work himself and has no stake in Hensler either way. He is entitled to his opinion just like you are entitled to yours.


If John doesn't know the whole story, maybe it should be posted so that the air would be cleaned about the whole situation.


Remember, regardless if James Hensler was actually driving the car when that happened, he sub-contracted some work out... unfortunately, when you sub-contract someone else, you are still responsible (which it appears that he tried to be)..... remember, you are only as good as the company you keep.. I hope James Hensler has since then told that other company to fly a kite....


[ 20. April 2004, 03:07 PM: Message edited by: Peekachoo ]

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for one, it's james hensler, not john.

2nd, the shop next to us was welding on some subframe connectors, the guy has a 6 second alcohol car. He was pulling the car around the building and back in the garage. ground was wet, i guess it slid a bit, and hit one of the small trees out front cracking the front bumper, and denting the intercooler, license plate was damaged also since it was there. all his mechanical work was done for free, including installation of exhaust for FREE. A brand new front bumper and intercooler which we still have was going to be installed until he took his car back before we could do the work.

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Hensler Racing is a Reputable shop, and i will be taking my stang there to get some work done here shortly, james is a friend of mine as well, and Jason is my roomate, they know what they are doing. I have been around that shop alot, and they are meticulous about their work.
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Originally posted by Peekachoo:

I agree with John... he is just stating what he knows... John does all his car work himself and has no stake in Hensler either way. He is entitled to his opinion just like you are entitled to yours.


If John doesn't know the whole story, maybe it should be posted so that the air would be cleaned about the whole situation.


Remember, regardless if John Hensler was actually driving the car when that happened, he sub-contracted some work out... unfortunately, when you sub-contract someone else, you are still responsible (which it appears that he tried to be)..... remember, you are only as good as the company you keep.. I hope John Hensler has since then told that other company to fly a kite....

That pretty much hit it on the head! Sadly they are going to viewed negatively for anything happening to a customer's car while in thier care. For instance, even if a paint shop has you sign a waiver saying that anything that happens to your car at thier facility isn't thier fault, I'd definitely want to know if a problem like that had occured before. Then I can make my own judgement call as to whether or not it is dismissable or not. If the paint shop is in a bad part of town and it looks like something that is more likely to occur again, then I'd probably just pick up with the next shop on my list.


That all said, I've heard nothing but the best about those guys! I'd personally chalk up the occurance a stroke of extremely bad luck that is far from the norm. It could have happened anywhere, it just so happened that it was with them unfortunately. Based on that I'd bring them my business anytime with confidence.


Hopefully Hensler got more out of it than telling them to buzz off though after putting a blemish on his name like that. I'd be seeking monetary compensation amongst other things.... ;)

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Originally posted by Peekachoo:

I agree with John... he is just stating what he knows... John does all his car work himself and has no stake in Hensler either way. He is entitled to his opinion just like you are entitled to yours.


If John doesn't know the whole story, maybe it should be posted so that the air would be cleaned about the whole situation.


Remember, regardless if John Hensler was actually driving the car when that happened, he sub-contracted some work out... unfortunately, when you sub-contract someone else, you are still responsible (which it appears that he tried to be)..... remember, you are only as good as the company you keep.. I hope John Hensler has since then told that other company to fly a kite....

FYI, James posted what really happened on that same forum.
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Originally posted by Orion:

stimpy, you may or may not know all the details about that story, but if you dont, then you should really check it out before you drag someones name through the mud. besides this one issue, ive have heard nothing but wonderful things about henslers work. :cool:



disclaimer: i have no personal stake in this, one way or the other. i just dont like seeing local businesses get badmouthed by people who dont relly know what theyre talking about.

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Wow, I read that thread. Seems like the guy who owned the shop was trying to clean it up and everything was good till the guy who's car got wrecked posted about it. And they all started screaming more and more, then he got greedy and shit hit the fan.
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first off, anyone would be pissed if they had a +30k car in a shop and they wrecked it.


i konw the deputy and i am good friends with him. earlier anthony said the deputy reneged on the deal because the deputy took his car back before it was finished. he took his car back because the owner of the shop said one thing but did another. the accident happened on a wednesday and the owner said it would be done by sunday. the owner also said that the bumper would be professoinaly painted by ricart. the bumper comes into the shop and the owner said he was going to have a buddy paint it. the bumper was painted by his buddy with no warrenty without the car and he wouldnt have known if it would have been a good paint match. a week goes by and the deputy goes back on wednesday and the owner was working on his own car and not the deputy's cobra. The owner didnt even have the orginal bumper off of it. then they kept telling him that the powersteering cooler was damaged not the intercooler and he kept telling them different. they ordered in the wrong part. then the deputy did not renege, him and the owner came to an agreement to let the deputy's insurance company handle everything.


im not trying to be an ass but im just saying what really happened.

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I work with this Deputy. I have seen the damage done to his car. All I have to say on this is if someone entrusts you with a vehicle to do work on it, and something happens to that vehicle (whether you do it directly, or someone you sub-contract does it) you should fix the vehicle the way the owner wishes it to be fixed, not fix it the cheapest way possible. Yes, he and the shop owner had an agreement. He was happy with this agreement. I remember telling him it sounds like the shop owner is really trying to make it right. Had the shop owner stuck to his original agreement with this Deputy of allowing Ricart to paint the bumper, and had he of started to work on the car all would have been well. Keep in mind this was a brand new car with 912 miles on it. Wouldn't you want your car fixed by someone you trust?
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