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This Makes Me Want A C6...


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You people crack me up with the idea that sports cars with 40 and 50 yr heritages to pull back on steal from 5 yr old flash-in-the-pans.


"The EVO started the HP war..."

"The Corvette stole from the NSX..."

"The Mustang stole from the Nissan 280Z..."

"Daffy Duck stole from the Telly Tubbies..."





Fucking hilarious.


Kids... :rolleyes:

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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Mowgli:

You people crack me up...

lol :D +1


I like the C6 except for the body color around the headlights... I'd just have to get a black C6 then..


yep, would be perfect. ;)

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Originally posted by Wease:

Actually, I didn't take them. I got them off of LS2.com... tongue.gif

Damn, and I thought you were at Mid Ohio last weekend, too. All the cool promo cars come to road courses, folks. If you wanna see something weak like the new mustang, go to a drag strip. tongue.gif

I thought hte GM trailer was a pretty swank deal, but they could have picked a better place t park it, you realy couldn't see much from the upper deck. Of course, we all know it was there to be seen, not to see from.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

You people crack me up with the idea that sports cars with 40 and 50 yr heritages to pull back on steal from 5 yr old flash-in-the-pans.


"The EVO started the HP war..."

"The Corvette stole from the NSX..."

"The Mustang stole from the Nissan 280Z..."

"Daffy Duck stole from the Telly Tubbies..."





Fucking hilarious.


Kids... :rolleyes:

If you think the only cars automotive industrial designers look at are the cars of the brand of the company they currently work for, you're just as wrong.
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Originally posted by Neo:

So a car that is going to be selling next year steals styling cues from a current concept car? :confused:

I'm pretty sure the C6 was penned before the next NSX concept was shown. But I wouldn't put it past the General to steal other companies ideas.
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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by CotYZX2:

I'm pretty sure the C6 was penned before the next NSX concept was shown. But I wouldn't put it past the General to steal other companies ideas.

Compare the late-1990's Malibu to the second-gen Altima that was released just months before.
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Originally posted by CotYZX2:

I'm pretty sure the C6 was penned before the next NSX concept was shown. But I wouldn't put it past the General to steal other companies ideas.

huh? Want to try to back that up with some facts? GM is one of the largest innovators in the industry. Much of the technology that you see on cars today (or going into cars today) was first researched at GM. They have the technology and the knowledge, but much of it never saw production because the 'bean counters' couldn't justify the cost of manufacture at the time so projects get put on the shelf.


It's disturbing to me how many people on here are slamming the Corvette saying that it's entire design is ripped off. Have you guys ever seen a Corvette before?? Look at a C3, C4, C5, and C6 side by side and you can't deny that it's an evolution. They all have the same styling cues, but have been refined over the years.


Cars produced in the same era will always look similar because of the manufacturing and packaging limitations available at the time, but I don't beleive any cars mentioned have been copied designs. I fail to see a resemblence between a Malibu and Altima, and even if there was, from the time these designs came out there is now way one could copy off the other. Designs are finialized years before you see them in production.


As for the headlights, yes they may look like a 360 Modena. Copied design? It's possible there was influence. But GM did the headlights for one simple reason. The design teams job was to turn the C5 into a better sports car. By switching to these headlamps they saved weight, improved aerodynamics, improved wind noise, and they're HID's which give better light. They didn't put them on to simply look like another car.


Why is this a weekly post on here? We seem to go back and fourth between people bashing GM because they think the GTO is too tame, and people bashing GM for some other reason. But in reality most of you don't have a clue what GM has done in the industry.

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Originally posted by Mallard:

Cars produced in the same era will always look similar because of the manufacturing and packaging limitations available at the time, but I don't beleive any cars mentioned have been copied designs. Designs are finialized years before you see them in production.

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