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F#%^&# !!! Thieves!


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They hit the Vic and my buddies Mustang last night. Broke my window, ripped the interior up but couldn't get the deck out. Hahhahaha, come back and get it tonight, BITCHES! redface.gif


Popped my buddy's trunk lock but still didn't get it open. They couldn't get his deck out either.


Idiots. :mad:

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Must be a gang of idiots running around town, a couple of weeks ago someone tried to steal my dad's caravan. Busted out the window on the drivers side right under a street light as opposed to the passenger window wich is in the shadow of a tree and very hard to see at night. Then they tore the colum all up trying to get it to start but had no luck, idiots. :mad:
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Originally posted by 93TANG:

My friends cd player got stolen out of his truck right around the corner at alkire glen, if you were at home that is. We were pissed, because we rode around at work today without a damn radio.

i know most of those fuckers come out of riverbend on that side of town. that place is a criminal craphole.
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Originally posted by Tulo.:

My friend's eclipse got broken into the other night. They took his stereo, wallet, rap cd's(they left the others). :rolleyes: I despise theives. :mad:

unfortunately thats what happens when your windows are down all night.
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Like from the movie Liar Liar:


"Boss, this guy knocked over another ATM, this time at knifepoint. He want's your advice."




The thieves will eventually get what's coming to them. Sorry about all y'alls sheit.



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that sux, and it is a sad truth as my adopted pop said, if caught nothing major will happen to them. I used to know a guy that stole shit from people and if I ever ran into him, I would beat him severely with a baseball bat!!
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