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winter beater contest?


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Guest jpurdy2003

Ever play beater hockey?


You need:


Four orange construction barrels


One shopping cart, wheeled garbage container or other wheeled object of similar size


One large unsupervised parking lot


Four beaters


You set up goals at opposite ends of the parking lot with the orange barrels. Teams of two beaters ram the shopping cart or whatever (we always used one of OWU's plastic wheeled garbage bins about half the size of a dumpster) with the object being to score goals. We usually play to ten goals. My old Corolla was perfect for this because it had ugly, unpainted plastic 5MPH bumpers that never showed dents or scratches.

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The Type R VW >*


I was running 50mph on 270 comfortably.

I am from NE ohio so i'm used to worse shit than this, i've driven 4x4's, suv's, light pickups, fwd, and 4wd compact cars in the winter.


and thist little VW is THEE most magnificant little snowmobile i've ever driven.

-it's light

-it's got no tourque (71 lb/ft.)

-severe front wieght distribution (i CANNOT get the ass end around!!! even with e-brake)

-cookie cutter tires cut through snow easily (it's all about lb/square in.)

-it has better ground clearance than some small pickups


I must note I've never driven a subaru smile.gif

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