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Gas Mileage


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Has anyone elses gas mileage gone to complete shit the past few weeks?


I normally go 300+ miles in my Lumina. Hell, right now I'm lucky to get 200.. IF that. Right now i'm on 1/4 tank and 150 miles.. WTF?


Is it the weather? Is it the crap additives they put in the gasoline? Am I alone?



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more dense air requires more fuel...i bet all of your cars feel a litte faster also...the some if you that are runnning close to firehose mode on your injectors might want to turn the boost down just a little or youll be getting some injector warnings.
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Yep, Tanks right, but the fuel additives compound the problem. Gas, like all flamable liquirds have what's called a flash point, which is the temperature that is required for the liquid or vapor to ignite. Gas by its self has a fairly high flash point. So other chemicals are added to it to lower the flash point. Problem is that they also burn faster than gasoline and produce less heat in the process. Now knowing that nothing can exist in the same space as something else, for whatever amount of additive is in the gasoline that is NOT gasoline, it displaces that much gasoline.


Now we get into the winter blends. Winter blends are heavy in aromatic solvents (Octane basically) that lowers the flash point of the liquid, while acclerating the burn speed. So for the same amount of output you have to burn MORE fuel.

I realize there is a misconception over the idea that a car engine works on HEAT but that's the way it works. And a fuels BTU rating is important in the amount of power that it will produce in a motor. The higher the BTU rating, the more heat energy that is there to be extracted. Heavier flamable liquids, that are hydrocarbon based, are higher in BTU. Heating Oil is higher than Diesel, it's higher than gasoline. And gasoline is higher than tolulene, xylene, acetone, and the other solvents that are added to gasoline.


I have seen summer gasoline, when cooled way down, get to the point it wouldn't vapor off, and gasoline vapor is what burns, not the liquid. But I sat throwing lit matches into a puddle of it and watching the matches flare up a bit then go out. When I passed a propane torch over it and brought up the temp and it went to vapor, it lit right off.

SO don't tray that at home!

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yea, i did lean out my AFC when it was -degrees outside, yesterdays i ran really lean since it started to warm up outside. I blame it on letting the car warm up, and having to drive in nothing higher than 3rd gear around powell cause for some reason the powell roads sucked the most when it came to ice and snow and slush
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