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No stunting in FL.


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Post #1 - 5000 dollars and 5 years in prison. :eek:

And, people don't run when police don't chase. :D

No judge is going to give you that unless you really push it. Most crimes don't get max penalties. It could be argued if so many riders didn't race through traffic and pop high speed wheelies where there's traffic they wouldn't have to threaten stiffer penalties. Same goes for riders that run from police because they have a chance to get away on their fast bikes.

Almost sounds like you guys are defending the same guys that are causing this start of crack down and these guys that are giving, sportbike riders in particular, a bad image to both police and the public.

oh and :p

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It could be argued if so many riders didn't race through traffic and pop high speed wheelies where there's traffic they wouldn't have to threaten stiffer penalties.

Dude, I'm totally against that shit. I'm pretty good at the speed limit or 10 over when I'm in traffic like that. I always curse people doing that shit. Just ask playerpro because him and I were cruising to his house on 275 from KY to Cincy and 2 kids sporting penny loafers and t-shirts were doing stunts and stopping traffic. We got up next to them and gave them a thumbs down. ;)

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Dude, I'm totally against that shit. I'm pretty good at the speed limit or 10 over when I'm in traffic like that. I always curse people doing that shit. Just ask playerpro because him and I were cruising to his house on 275 from KY to Cincy and 2 kids sporting penny loafers and t-shirts were doing stunts and stopping traffic. We got up next to them and gave them a thumbs down. ;)

Yeah I know you are. It's these types of things though (high speed and wheelies through traffic, running from police...) that cause these types of crack downs to happen. Even more people run because they don't want those to deal with the potential fines, court dates jail....they'll find an additional way to crack down. These types of people just keep giving them the excuses to do it too.

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So in summary you think...

The police using the PIT maneuver to stop a bike that is running from them AND putting people in danger = bad

Police letting a rider run, still putting people in danger, but not stopping the bike because the rider might get hurt = good


You are not intelligent enough to carry a conversation with but I'm going to give it one more shot. The person running is not going to wreck and hurt other people on purpopse. The cop using a p.i.t. on a bike is causing the rider to crash get hurt or die on purpose.The police officers is not hte judge nor the jury.If you want to trust your life and the lives of all your motorcycle riding friends to the judgement and honesty of one cop in an adrenaline filled situation than move some where else! I like to be safe from cop trying to run in to me!

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You are not intelligent enough to carry a conversation with but I'm going to give it one more shot. The person running is not going to wreck and hurt other people on purpopse. The cop using a p.i.t. on a bike is causing the rider to crash get hurt or die on purpose.The police officers is not hte judge nor the jury.If you want to trust your life and the lives of all your motorcycle riding friends to the judgement and honesty of one cop in an adrenaline filled situation than move some where else! I like to be safe from cop trying to run in to me!


Yean I'm the one that's not intelligent enough. At least I'm smart enough to know when and why a PIT is used. And just so we're being clear, the PIT maneuver on a motorcycle isn't really a PIT maneuver. It's a bump or nudge to initially let the rider know they are serious after they refuse to stop and could cause harm to others and then to stop them if they are at risk putting others in danger.

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Yean I'm the one that's not intelligent enough. At least I'm smart enough to know when and why a PIT is used. And just so we're being clear, the PIT maneuver on a motorcycle isn't really a PIT maneuver. It's a bump or nudge to initially let the rider know they are serious after they refuse to stop and could cause harm to others and then to stop them if they are at risk putting others in danger.

Really then!P.I.T. is an acronym for Pursuit Intervention Technique or Precision Immobilization Technique.The defination of this is to abruptly turn sideways to the direction of travel of the fleeing vehicle.Try staying on a bike through that.Even a nudge will put you on your ass. Don't think so,then lets try it.I'll be the one in the car.

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Really then!P.I.T. is an acronym for Pursuit Intervention Technique or Precision Immobilization Technique.The defination of this is to abruptly turn sideways to the direction of travel of the fleeing vehicle.Try staying on a bike through that.Even a nudge will put you on your ass. Don't think so,then lets try it.I'll be the one in the car.

+1 and correct Rocky. The P.I.T manuever was never intended to stop motorcycles and is inherently dangerous. It is only meant for four wheeled vehicles to cause them to spin out and hopefully stop. When you would use that on a motorcycle it wouldnt spin out but you would crash! If you want to test the theory Ill bring the ambulance and the stretcher!

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Really then!P.I.T. is an acronym for Pursuit Intervention Technique or Precision Immobilization Technique.The defination of this is to abruptly turn sideways to the direction of travel of the fleeing vehicle.Try staying on a bike through that.Even a nudge will put you on your ass. Don't think so,then lets try it.I'll be the one in the car.

Wow the genius even bolded it.

That's the second time you 'hinted' at wanting to injure me while I'm on bike. You're really some kind of retard.

Not that it matters because special little morons don't get chased anymore anyway. Police don't want to get sued for trying to stop you while you're putting others life's in danger.

You go ahead keep advocating putting peoples' lives in danger. I hope it's not your family thats killed or little daughter that's critically injured because some dickhead decided he didn't want a ticket.

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I ran and killed no one. FTP!! They tried to kill me .So fuk them!!They didn't and I got away ......kinda!!If you are not confident in your skills or have a huge mangina pull over . Either way who cares , Stop driving and become a monk and everything will be happy and good.

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I don't know where i stand on the topic (should the 5.0 chase or not) I can see both sides

1) is it worth a innocent persons life to give someone speeding a ticket?

2) obviously the popo cant let everyone run cause hell I wouldn't even stop!

Kinda a touchy topic

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Thats cool dude change your story when you realize that you are wrong. The P.I.T. is not a gentle nudge to let the person know that the cop is there.It is the cop wanting to cause a crash to end the pursuit.

I didn't change my story. Go back and reread. I just made it clear that when we talk PIT with a bike it's different. They could still call it a "P.I.T." if they wanted since the purpose in the end is the same. There's a key point you just don't get that makes a difference, police don't PIT just to cause a crash to end a pursuit. There's a little qualifier in there you can't seem to grasp.

I'm done on this anyway. You can't even respond without twisting words like when I say,

It's a bump or nudge to initially let the rider know they are serious after they refuse to stop and could cause harm to others and then to stop them if they are at risk putting others in danger.

and you turn it into,

The P.I.T. is not a gentle nudge to let the person know that the cop is there.It is the cop wanting to cause a crash to end the pursuit.

Or I say..

At least I'm smart enough to know when and why a PIT is used.

and you respond like some 6th grader writing a book report with a definition of P.I.T.

Really then!P.I.T. is an acronym for Pursuit Intervention Technique or Precision Immobilization Technique.The defination of this is to abruptly turn sideways to the direction of travel of the fleeing vehicle.
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The person running is not going to wreck and hurt other people on purpose. The cop using a p.i.t. on a bike is causing the rider to crash get hurt or die on purpose.The police officers is not the judge nor the jury.If you want to trust your life and the lives of all your motorcycle riding friends to the judgment and honesty of one cop in an adrenaline filled situation than move some where else! I like to be safe from cop trying to run in to me!

My point exactly about using the PIT on a biker..

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I think they should use what ever force nesicary to stop a runner. bike, car, airplane, or scooter. Death is something you already took into account when you decided to run. You accepted the odds.

Personally I think they should be able to shot to kill on sight if you run. What are you doing thats so horrible that it's worth risking killing yourself or very possibly others? Personally if your running and hit and hurt/kill on of my kids, you'll wish the cops got to you first, because they'll have to kill me to get me off of you, and I assure you you'll be coming to hell with me.

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I think they should use what ever force nesicary to stop a runner. bike, car, airplane, or scooter. Death is something you already took into account when you decided to run. You accepted the odds.

Personally I think they should be able to shot to kill on sight if you run. What are you doing thats so horrible that it's worth risking killing yourself or very possibly others? Personally if your running and hit and hurt/kill on of my kids, you'll wish the cops got to you first, because they'll have to kill me to get me off of you, and I assure you you'll be coming to hell with me.

I don't think i'd take it to that extreme...

deciding any case like this is far too broad to decide on an action for every situation...

I like the way it is now, if they feel it's safe to persue, they do, if they don't then they don't...

a person on a bike speeding and wrecking into a car is going to do minor damage compared to a hummer h3 driver chatting it up on her cell phone while doing her make-up, eating lunch and wrecking...

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  • 2 weeks later...
He was too busy talking to his passenger.
See.....That's what gets me about them wanting to ban cell phones. Are they going to ban us from talking to our passengers as well???
Yeah sorry. should have thought about it when you ran and won't stop. Car or bike when you decide to put others lives at risk running through traffic or past peoples homes you gave up the right to yours as far I'm concerned. Others lives don't matter to you over a ticket, why should yours matter to me.

I don't think it's the ticket most will be running from Jeremi......It's the jail time....5 years in particular.

Conversation with your celly.......

"So what are you in here for?"

"I got caught doin' 50mph over the speed limit.....Twice. What about you?

"I murdered an old man, chopped him into little pieces, then had sex with what was left of him that I didn't eat, & then their dog while the family cat watched. Now bend over!"

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