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Joe Rocket Razor suit


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Well i just got back from iron pony looking for some riding pants. I found exactly what i wanted but it was in a two piece suit. I just want the pants, i already have a jacket. The size is 44 and color is blue. If neone wants a nice textile jacket for the summer, ill sell it to them separately. But in the mean time im not gonna buy it if no one will buy the jacket. They wouldint sel it separately, just hoping someone wants the jacket but not the pants, thanks guys.
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Originally posted by DragKnee66:

Youre better off with a good leather coat instead. Those textile pants could tear/melt in a crash easily as well.


Youde never catch me dragging a knee wearing textile pants with knee pucks.

yeah i know, but i dont have $300 to get a pair of super moto pants, if u know of ne other types of pants with sliders that arent that pricey id really appreciate it, thanks
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Nah, just the alpinestar track pants for 300. Do you already have a nice leather jacket?


Trust me dude, after being down myself 1 time, textile does NOT hold up well at all. I melted the elbow rite off that green coat of mine.


I will post pics if I still have them. Besides you shouldnt be worrying about knee pucks on the street! crazy!

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Originally posted by DragKnee66:

I was fine actually.. I just had a TINY little rug burn type thing on my elbow heh. Little skin buffed off.


Sounds like the textile jacket did its job then. graemlins/thumb.gif


It's not supposed to be re-usable like leather often can be. The main purpose of the outer shell (as I understand it) is to hold the armor in and help slide.

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Originally posted by 04636Ninja:

The size is 44 and color is blue.

What size would the 44 be close to? Large, Xlarge or xx Large


The different jackets I looked at were sized that way.

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a 44 would be quite small actually. if it's euro sizing, which i know Rocket suits are, then there's no way a 6'4" guy could wear that. i'm 6'2" and a 52 is about as small as i can go. ofcourse that's more to do with torso and leg lengths. But a 44 is smaller
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