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Damn The Cutlass To Hell!

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Lately my beater has just been falling apart (Which I had expected but not in such a short amount of time here was the bill for my last stop in with the Mechanics)


Brake Inspection/Grinding -- 39.00

Caliper - Remove & Replace -- 91.00

Includes: Bleed system and replace pads if necessary. - both

(Additional Time) - w/ABS add -- 13.00

Wheel Cylinder - Remove & Replace -- 117.00

Includes:Bleed system and replace shoes if necessary. - both

Add Time Disc Rotor - Remove & Replace -- 19.50

Includes: repack wheel bearings where applicable and replace pads if necessary. DOES NOT include refinishing. - Front, both

Brake Fluid -- 17.76

Front Load Caliper -- 187.74

Front Rotor -- 62.90

Rear Wheel Cylinder -- 54.74

Shop Supplies -- 11.63


Labor: $279.50

Parts: $334.77

Sublet: $0.00

Sub: $614.27

Discount: $60.26

Tax: $37.40

Total: $591.41


This car has done nothing but drain all my daily income. But no it was the "family" car so I have to keep it nice and clean out of respect or some stupid shit. GRRR!!!!! I've already in the past 5 months put well over 1000 dollars into it which dosen't seem like alot but when your only 17 it does. On top of all this, well the tranny problem, now not only does it rev up high it gives really hard violent shifts, like the whole engine feels like it rotates in the engine bay and then jolts back, it's horrific. I hate this car so much, I'm going to drive it into a tree once I get a new one (Honestly.) Ok enough of me bitching, sorry I wasted everyones time. Just pissed off. :mad:





Edit: Oh yea if your wondering why this is in the tech area it was just because that's where I felt it would be the most looked at or w/e haha so everyone can feel bad for me, what's a good small compact car (Such as the CRX or so) that would be cheap yet fast? Any suggestions?

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Guest BlackS14

Thems some expensive numbers.

But fortunately, there's a few ways to make your money go further:

Do your own work,

Shop for your own parts, and

Add some transmission fluid.

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I would ask some CR members but with me being new and all I don't really feel like imposing on everyone, and being 17 lots of mechanics have tried ripping me off, I have a friend who is I guess a free-lance mechanic and he goes around with me sometimes but I've had guys saying that it's the suspenson on the car and they'd like 300 dollars to fix it and other bullshit, but overall I just don't want any other CR members hating me already... and also everyone usually asumes that since I'm 17 I'm one of those idiots who does flybys all the time and burnouts and really dumb stuff so they kind of blow me off, I had a guy say he's not going to waste his time when all I'll do is get someone killed, I'm not some crazy driver, I've gotten one ticket, but I hate being 17 they all think we are the same (Which is the most part true) and this topic has turned into a teen drama so I'll keep it shut now, sorry for the rant
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The Oldsmobile took it's last cruise earlier today on my way to work. Got their they said that they had given me new hours and so I left, dropped my friend off at his house and proceded to head home, when at a light the engine made a like whirl that ended in a grind, then all the service lights came on and the engine died. Then it sputtered to start up, I finally got it to start and drove home, and when it would idle it would keep moving forward in spurts, like I was pumping the gas, so I pull into my driveway and turn off the car and their is this noise, I can't really describe it but it was not a good noise for any means, and it just died on the spot, won't start up for anything. I looked under the hood, everything appeared fine then I looked under the car body and their was a big braided hose that had ruptured and was leaking a fluid all over the place (Which we think is the A/C since it was water leaking out or so we think).. My dad said that it's not worth fixing, so we are deciding whether to just junk it or try to salvage some parts, the rims we have are rare (For the year that is) so we might try to get something out of them but other then that I think I'll just have fun beating the shit out of it. But it's been a sad day :(



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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest 1sweet3.4
let's blow the car up! Whole lot funner than charity!! if anything lets to it to a car show and charge people 2 dollars to swing a sledge hammer at it. then blow the car up. graemlins/nutkick.gif
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You should've brought it to Maverick Motors, it's where I work (dad owns it), honest work and we won't be like "oh and it needs this, and this" just what needs to be fixed and not overcharged for doing nothing, like we usually get out there from customers who took their car somewhere else first. Have a very good reputation if anyone knows the name then they'll tell you. Not trying to advertise here or anything (I don't get paid enough to). It's just west of 310 and 40, can't miss the place # 740-927-3549 ask for Sam, if anything comes up.


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Guest White Horse

Holy shit man... wtf? That is WAY too much for that work, I could have done it for a fraction of that cost, and still felt bad for ripping you off! graemlins/nonono.gif


Get a hold of me next time, I do work here at my garage all the time for ppl. Extra money for me and cheap, quality service for everyone else! graemlins/thumb.gif

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Originally posted by On a Pale Horse:

Holy shit man... wtf? That is WAY too much for that work, I could have done it for a fraction of that cost, and still felt bad for ripping you off! graemlins/nonono.gif


Get a hold of me next time, I do work here at my garage all the time for ppl. Extra money for me and cheap, quality service for everyone else! graemlins/thumb.gif

Alright, thanks! I'll make sure to keep you in mind!



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