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Trip to Cali and back


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Can't believe that cliffside hotel isn't ALWAYS booked & that you guys had it all to yourself!! :eek: Those roads in UT & CA look incredible!! thumb.gif

Aren't you the one who either works with or knows Travis, at the Indy Ducati dealer? I posted some pix of your Duc, showing it off over on my XX board, and he said he knew you & the bike

That hotel is about 30 miles off of the main highway on a single lane, barely paved road. Sucks going back to the place each night on that fucked up road, so I can see why a lot of people rarely go there. Plus, there is only one restaurant in the little town and no gas station at all. On one night, the hotel owners made some homemade pizzas fo us for dinner - kicked ass. Won't get that at the Holiday Inn Express!

Indy Ducati: Yup, I know Travis - good kid. I make some parts that they sell; ride height adjusters, etc.

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Wow. One day I'll get to go on a trip like that. Thanks for the pics man.

PS: Its been awhile. When are you going to be in Columbus or Chicago next? We'll have to arrange another get together.

I'll be in Chicago for a couple of nights next week. Will also be blowing through Cbus next week but probably won't stay over night. I'

ll try to get over for a bike night sometime and maybe trailer a bike over with me.

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I bet that long flat trip back sucked? :)

Sucks more than anything has ever sucked. Actually, the ride back ain't all that bad as you want to get home. The ride out is worse as the anticipation just kills you.

We only had about 2 days of temps over 55F, so we really froze our asses off this year. But if you goout much later in the summer, temps are all over 100F and you sweat to death. Just can't win sometimes.:D

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Out of all the amazing shots you got.....Something about this one jumps out at me............



Hell's Canyon was a cool road. Zero traffic as well, Couple more pics....

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I'm not into fishing at all,but check out the salmon this dude caught in the Snake River...



He looks like he's pretty stout and yet he can barely hold them up for a picture

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These gas stations always crack us up because we're just about as refined as Beavis and Butthead are. Dave had to get the shirt...



Joe was so impressed that he got a pink one for his (soon to be ex-) girlfriend...


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The entire town of Prospect, Oregon. A hotel, and a bar. We stayed here for two nights...




Careful packing is the key to any successful bike trip. Not so careful unpacking is allowed when you're trying to find some clean undies buried in the bottom of your bag...


Check out that bed - I'm 6'1" and had my legs below the knee hanging off of the end of it when I laid down.

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My bud Joe did it all on an R1 - from CHicago. And it's his thrid tiome to do the trip. He did it on his 'Busa last year.

The guys from Ireland shipped their bikes (an R1 anmd a Gixer 1000) to Washington DC and rode all over eastern USA before heading west. We met up with them in Salt Lake City. They shipped their bikes back to Ireland from San Francisco. Their trip was nearly 4 weeks long while ours was only two weeks.

Allof the riders here are a bit older than most on Ohio Riders;

Me(ST1100) - 48

Joe (R1)- 42

Dave (FZ-1)- 45

Mark (ireland, R1) - 40

Vincent (Ireland, Gixer 1K) 52

So if us old farts can do it, you younger guys should have no problems at all. This the 5th time I've done this trip, Dave's done it 3 times and so has Joe. We'll probably do it again next year!

You have my deepest respect. I'm only 37, but I suffer from a raging case of rheumatoid arthritis. My wrists hurt just by air blowing over them. My hips are fucked beyond all repair. That ride would be torture for me on a sport bike.

I'd be grinning from ear to ear, but in serious pain.

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You have more balls than me... There is no way in hell I would ride all the way to Oregon.

Oregon was on the way back! Piece of cake to do, you should try a long trip once or twice just to see if you like it. With the right destination and the right route to get there; you'd have a blast. Just gotta plan your trip carefully.

You'd get to see all sorts of shit you've never seen before; remote canyons, high mountain roads, deserts, shitbox hotels, really nice hotels, just all sorts of cool shit.

Plus you get to hang with some of your friends for a couple of weeks, eat some new types of food, drink some new beers and just generally fuck around.

These trips put a smile on my face for at least two months when I get back home and return to work. Always gives me something to think about and remember. And then, just as the memory starts to fade, it's time to be thinking about and planning the next trip. It's a vicious cycle I tell ya....

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You have my deepest respect. I'm only 37, but I suffer from a raging case of rheumatoid arthritis. My wrists hurt just by air blowing over them. My hips are fucked beyond all repair. That ride would be torture for me on a sport bike.

I'd be grinning from ear to ear, but in serious pain.

I hear ya; I've had sugery on both knees to replace ligaments, shoulder surgery to reattach my bicep and ligaments. Tons of arthritic pain and I do get stiff in places that aren't meant to be stiff (:D). But a little ice on tyhe knees at night and I'm good to go.

Se stayed in Shelter Cove, Cali for three nights just to rest up a bit. On these two week long trips, I try to shcedule a 2-3 day stop somewhere so we don't have to ride our asses off to get to the next town. Makes for a nice break if you pick a place that has stuff to do that doesn't involve riding all that much. Maybe only 100-200 miels per day or less.

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Oregon was on the way back! Piece of cake to do, you should try a long trip once or twice just to see if you like it. With the right destination and the right route to get there; you'd have a blast. Just gotta plan your trip carefully.

You'd get to see all sorts of shit you've never seen before; remote canyons, high mountain roads, deserts, shitbox hotels, really nice hotels, just all sorts of cool shit.

Plus you get to hang with some of your friends for a couple of weeks, eat some new types of food, drink some new beers and just generally fuck around.

These trips put a smile on my face for at least two months when I get back home and return to work. Always gives me something to think about and remember. And then, just as the memory starts to fade, it's time to be thinking about and planning the next trip. It's a vicious cycle I tell ya....

It must be nice to make the money were you can go on a month long ride. :(

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