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Want to clear a few things..bout Hensler

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As some of you might have read my other post, paying for the job is complete.. I got my car back a week after taking it in, took it in on a thursday. James was gone over the weekend and then hurt his back and wasn't able to work on my car.. understandable.. That thursday my gear install was done.. he took me for a test drive in it and I couldn't hear the gears, although I believe the intake leak made it drive crappy.. the leak wasn't fixed but he wanted me to come in that friday and pay for it and go ahead and pay for the missing problem.. I didn't know that I could have waited to pay for the missing problem when he was done.. I did get my car back on Monday and very very happy with the car.. I do plan on having him do my supercharger as well.. since he did a good job on my car..
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After reading this quote from the thread on Modular Ford's ( http://www.modularfords.com/forums/showthread.php?t=21558 ), I find this post funny.


What was perhaps most shocking to me was the phone call I got from James about 4 weeks ago. He asked me to start recruiting/backing him on the internet again, and offered me a cut of every car he did. ROTFL, let me think about that one….
If everything is true about a lein being put on his shop, he probably won't be around long enough to work on your car again. After everything I've read, that's probably not a bad thing.
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Guest James C Hensler
Thats because Andy lied to me to get his car back! He led me to believe that everything was Ok! Hell He even brought his mothers car in for a trans and waterpump!
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I personally haven't had James work on my vehicles. However, I've known him since he was still building cars out of his garage and been there ever since. He's allowed me to use his shop when I needed a quick fix on the Bird, and he's built some nice cars/engines as long as I've been around.


The complaints about him from Mustang owners are on them. But from my perspective, James has been there for me and the people I know.

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I've been racing along side James for a few years now and he is a stand up guy. Try and find some where to press in new bearings into a transmission, late on a saturday night for $20!. 3am on a friday night, your bottle is empty, who ya gonna call?


People have a lot to learn, that's all.

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Originally posted by Relegate:

Keep this on track. Only post if you have something POSITIVE to say.


The next person that tries to drag bullshit in from other forums will be dealt with accordingly.



Why does it NEED to be positive.


IF James made a mistake, he made a mistake.


Consumer Reports work both ways?

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I don't think anything in the other thread violated any rules of CR, big deal if the only working punctuation on his computer is !!!!!!!!! :D



1.)No flame wars - it was civil


2.)Everyone has the right to state their opinion, whether its good or bad, and defend themselves or companies named in a complaint. - Chris, you broke this rule by not allowing James to respond


3.)No name calling or insulting allowed. - I didn't see any.


4.)Only reply if you have something constructive to say reguarding that product or company. -constructive means "relevant" not nessasarily "possitive" Really, how can a complaint be possitive?

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