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"we'll see" WTF is that?!


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Originally posted by The Vette:

You just answered your own question with the last statement in this sentence....Dont be to anxious to call her or anything. Give it acouple days and she if she calls you. She pretty much is trying to make you chase her right now. She is gonna lead you on with stuff like that so that you will keep callin. You can flip it on her if you want or do what she wants you to do, which is chase her all day long....

Yep a game of cat and mouse, your in dude, just don't fuck it up.
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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

the main point being overlooked....


Why did you ask her in the first place. A girl is attracted to confidence. Knowing what the answer to that question is going to be before you think to ask it is confidence. Ask it as a closing question: When we go out next time... Assume the positive. Asking the girl to take the lead, whether girls will admit it or not, is asking to be walked all over and therefor played.

Exactly what I was going to say. That's why you got a kiss on the cheek. ;) This man knows women. :D
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Originally posted by Cone Smasher:

Yep a game of cat and mouse, your in dude, just don't fuck it up.

HOnestly think so? I'm not too sure. Oh well, I guess I will just see how it goes. Maybe I will give her a call tomorrow night.
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As a few other people have said; CONFIDENCE. You don't even have to have it; just make it APPEAR you are confident.


You don't ask her if you can see her again. You could have used this line "I think I'll have to take you out again sometime." That is, if you want to say anything about it at all, which I probably wouldn't.


If you wanted to kiss her, as long as the night went well....THEN KISS HER. Take what you want, just don't be Chester The Molester in the process.


My g/f has told me on a number of occassions how she was highly impressed w/ my confidence on our first date, and very pleased with me taking the iniative and kissing her during the movie we went and saw (it wasn't even a good date movie).


Also, don't make time with her into time you are taking her our and spending money on her. Unless you LIKE being a sugar daddy. I sure don't......I played that game for 2 months and it's a game I'll never play again with anyone, regardless of how hot they are.

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Ok here is what you do, Call her tomorrow and say this "You are gonna go out with me this weekend" not so much like that but make it out like this. This is only an example: "I'm am goin to this party this weekend and I am goin to take you with me" If she says no dont ask why, be like ok fine I will ask another girl to go with me. I swear this will work. Act like you got girls callin you all the time. This will show that you have something that other girls want. Trust me she will want to find out what that something is...Bingo you are in..
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Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

just throw her on the bed and have at it you'll either get laid or kicked in the nuts 50/50 is good odds

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Originally posted by GAS,GRASS,OR ASS:

just throw her on the bed and have at it you'll either get laid or kicked in the nuts 50/50 is good odds

LMAO... hahaha Dave, you're crack'in me up!



Dude, I sure hope that she doesn't have a CR acct... or know anyone on CR. Like everyone has said, women like confidence. IMO, you're waaaay too into a chick you've taken out once. If she doesn't like you, it's better to find out now then to have wasted time playing games. Honestly, I'd wait for her to call you and just go on about your life.... gotta let her chase you.

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So I talked to her tonight. She says it is the age difference. I really don't think it is that, I think it is just in her mind. I still do all the stupid college guy stuff, and she is to the point where she wants a guy who is probably in a career and everything. Oh well, she was being a bitch to me. Probably never talk to her again.


ALso, I wasn't really as upset as I was pissed. She said I was a different person on the phone than I was in person. WTF?! I think it is all in her mind.

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Originally posted by Keyword:

ALso, I wasn't really as upset as I was pissed. She said I was a different person on the phone than I was in person. WTF?! I think it is all in her mind.

That is the way alot of people are, on the phone, cpu what have you everyone acts like someone that they are not.. Now that you know that she doesnt want to go out with you, this is the perfect time to test her limits. If you ever talk to her again start saying things like when you gonna let me take care of that ass. This has resulted in me getting some booty on 2 different occasions..Worth the try Ithink.
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Originally posted by The Vette:

That is the way alot of people are, on the phone, cpu what have you everyone acts like someone that they are not.. Now that you know that she doesnt want to go out with you, this is the perfect time to test her limits. If you ever talk to her again start saying things like when you gonna let me take care of that ass. This has resulted in me getting some booty on 2 different occasions..Worth the try Ithink.

Hahaha, I'll have to try that one.


Oh, and I don't think i was someone else, I think I babbled because she didn't talk at all because she was so tired.

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dude... if you like her tell her, girls like it when a guy will say, hey, i like you a lot and dont want to *miss out* on seeing you again. (if you say it that way they feel better about themselves because it makes them feel like they are a treasure... and thats what its all about anyway right)


(dont use the word date unless she does because spending together loses meaning when labled as a date... call it spending time together)


i agree with mesteno, youve already kissed her before right then shes already decided that your on the good list...


tell her you like her and wana date her

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Originally posted by alibies:

dude... if you like her tell her, girls like it when a guy will say, hey, i like you a lot and dont want to *miss out* on seeing you again. (if you say it that way they feel better about themselves because it makes them feel like they are a treasure... and thats what its all about anyway right)


(dont use the word date unless she does because spending together loses meaning when labled as a date... call it spending time together)


i agree with mesteno, youve already kissed her before right then shes already decided that your on the good list...


tell her you like her and wana date her

kinda confusing.. you say dont use the word date, but then tell him to tell her he wants to date her..
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Originally posted by The Vette:

You just answered your own question with the last statement in this sentence....Dont be to anxious to call her or anything. Give it acouple days and she if she calls you. She pretty much is trying to make you chase her right now. She is gonna lead you on with stuff like that so that you will keep callin. You can flip it on her if you want or do what she wants you to do, which is chase her all day long....

I agree with this man....odd. tongue.gif


She's more then likely not going to call you, so you must call her. Some girls get off on being chased. she's 22, thats an odd age with women, prime time for enjoying games in most cases. Call he back in 2 days. Try and call her when you know she wont be around to answer, leave a voicemail asking if she wants to get together again. The reason is two fold:

A: It will require her to call you for further contact, mst like a "breach of protocol" on her part.

B: You avoid a phone conversation. There is alot lost in communicating via phone calls, instant messagers, and emails, etc. Its best to do your talking face to face.


Be fully prepared for this girl to be a skiddish little twit, very prone to toss out the phrase "i dont want a serious relationship right now". Something clicks in girls, and it seems to happen around their 21st birthday. Basicaly its party time. Thats why I'm went after a 26 year old, got most of that shit our of her system, been going great for about 2 months now. graemlins/thumb.gif

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