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Tbird gets owned, propper

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Guest trans_am_matt
must be nice to have no car payment. I get out of one, then right back into another. The sacrifices i make to have a nice ride, oh well, only live once. -matt-
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I guess payments are the way of life.


I pay on my Kia and my bike, and my wife is leasing her Honda.


I own my Neon and my old truck, though thinking about getting rid of the truck.

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Originally posted by Ricochet:

I made my last payment april 17th and have been wondering the same thing about my car.. should take a nice chunk out of an 03 cobra pricetag smile.gif

You're seriously considering an 03 Cobra? Awesome - what a radical jump that would be, huh? You're always poking fun at yourself for a lack of torque; with an 03 Cobra, you're an automatic torque monster. smile.gif
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Originally posted by copperhead:

You've been trying to sell that turd since i first joined cr

everything's for sale for the right price...well, almost. But, since I no longer have the bank to consider, the bird is looking more and more like a comodity. Plus, I'm in need of a 4 door within the next year. ;)
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