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Ronald Regan passed away


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Guest blueski02
Originally posted by B DUBS:

reagons last dieing words " dont let that piece of shit John Kerry be president"


Hell of an american.

he def had alzheimers(sp)....bush is no better, but im not trying to turn this into a debate.



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Guest xxxyyyzzz

I can't help it, my inner grammar nazi can't take it anymore.


Reagan, man, it's REAGAN, not Regan, not Reagon, Reagan dammit.


I know, I know, graemlins/gives.gif ...

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> *salutes*


You were a true man, Ronald, in every sense of the word. You honored your wife and loved her with all your heart- something every husband should aspire to. You loved God and were not ashamed to fall back on him for guidance when you knew you did not have the answer- something every Christian should learn from. You loved your country, beyond any measure of the phrase, and whole-heartedly devoted your time to serving Her and Her people to the best of your ability; without selfishness, greed, or corruption of the ultimate power and responsibility you were given; you loved America for what it was, what it had been, and what you hoped to see it become, and you were willing to not only conjur up the solutions to America's problems, but were determined enough to sacrifice your own time to see that those changes were brought about- something every American should long to achieve. You were a true inspiration, and will be sorely missed. Our hearts go out to you, Ronald Reagan. God bless you, and this damned fine country you loved so much.

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He made some big mistakes just as bush has but the difference was that he admited fault, apologized, and america forgave him. By showing his humanity and compassion he captured the hearts of america even in the most trying of times.


Thats what a president should be.

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