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Student Loan Question


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Well I'm getting ready to apply for student loans/grants again through FAFSA. I applied last year and it helped ALOT. My question is are they going to get into my bank accounts and see how much money I have, then give me grants according to how much money I have? Or is it based on how much I make at my job, or how much my parents make? I'm just trying to maximize the amount I can get. Any advice? Thanks. -JP
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Get your grandparents to pay for college, if you possibly can. It won't count against the one-time, tax-free, $10,000 gift they can give you.


They will rape your accounts, expecting you to contribute a huge percentage of your funds/investments, while expecting your parents to contribute a lesser percentage.

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Have you ever thought of being honest?


If you are trying to fraud the system, that could be punishable in numerous ways, because no matter what you are going to be lying to them. The question regarding "net worth", that doesn't matter where the cash is, if you have more funds than debt, in any way shape or form.


Second of all, thanks for ruining people chances at good funding who really need it. For a guy like myself who works full time and goes to school full time and pays $3500 per trimester just to get a chance a getting a decent education.


I'm working damn hard to try and do well for myself and there are probablly a million mother asshats in this world, limiting my fundage, and possibly eliminating others who really need it.


People on this board pay taxes, and overall are trying to sacrifice a little to give something to the future of our country.


Lastly, I don't know your situation in whole, and I am not trying to pre-judge you. All I am saying is be honest, because that is the correct thing to do. You owe it to yourself and your peers.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

if you are under 24, it will be both you and your parents. If you were born later than december, 1980 you can claim yorself as an "independent".

you mean BEFORE december 1980?


remember that it's not only income that they take into account for.Your Expected Family Contribution consist's of income, asset's, size and whether or not your a dependant.

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