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Happy birthday Ryan


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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

Thank you very much. :D

Bah you never told me your bday was today!! I would've gone to get lunch with you in the wonderful campus center, and then i could sit there and listen to you complain about how i seem to know everyone on campus graemlins/gone.gif


happy bday

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Originally posted by buckeye:

even though you are a year older you are STILL faster than adam. :D


happy bday


Did clark install the stuff in the trunk for your b day?

scott please get any kind of car, i am tired of seeing you do nothing but talk since i have met you 2 years ago, and how hard is it to swing from the nuts of a girl, you are sad


happy bday ryan

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Originally posted by buckeye:

Did clark install the stuff in the trunk for your b day?

No he did not, maybe he sould though. It's only been in the trunk for probably over a month.


Adam isn't your car not running right now? Hehe just kidding, kinda, hehe.

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