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tropical fish

Guest CDW

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I'm a newbie that just moved to the Columbus area.

I would like to know some good tropical fish stores in Columbus as well as someplace i can get some information about the care for them. thanx to all.

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Cichlids are the best. There's a guy on here that runs an Ohio based Cichlid website, but I'm sure he will chime in soon.


Only place I would get fish when I had an aquarium was Byerleys, which is in Grandview on Fifth about a block west of Grandview Ave. I would also go to the Petland off of W. Broad in the Lincoln Village plaza.


Since I haven't had an aquarium I've been to Aquarium Adventures with friends who have large tanks and I like that place too. They have a location near 161 and Sawmill.


I'm sure there are other places, but those are the three I know about and would go to if I were buying fish. If you look in those monthly or quarterly coupon magazines, Petland might still have some coupons in there. Me and my friends used to get fish when they published these, because it was buy one, get one free. And small cichlids are usually 8-12 bucks.


Never go to Jacks, every time I got a fish there before I knew any better it introduced some disease into my tank, usually Ick. I got a fish there once after that because it was one I had been looking for forever and couldn't find a small one of, introduced Ick again.

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+1 on Byerleys and AA. Stay away from Jacks unless you are just geting supplies, equipment. But you need to quarantine all new fish before adding to a community anyways. And dont ever use the water from the bag. What kind of tropicals did you plan to get? What size tank, and exp?


I only keep Cichlids so when I need info I go to www.ohiocichlids.com (not much posting lately, kinda slow) www.cichlid-forum.com and www.aquariumadvice.com (not just Cichlids)


If you need anything else just ask.

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i'm not very sure on any of it right now. Thats why i'm trying to gain some info as well as rep. pet shops. I want a really good size tank with some colorful fish. What is everyones tank size and what fish do you have? I would like as much info as possible. thanx a bunch
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Ive got 3 55's, and a couple small tanks. I plan to get something around 150gallons here soon. If you want color, you either want Saltwater, or African Cichlids. If your a beginner, you wont want Saltwater.


These arent my pics, but these are some of what I have:


Cynotilapia afra (Likoma)



Labidochromis caeruleus (Lion's Cove II)



Metriaclima estherae



Melanochromis cyaneorhabdos



Metriaclima callainos



I have more but, that gives you an idea. These arent known as beginner fish but, they arent hard to keep healthy. I should have some fry before long.

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I have Tiger Barbs, they are cool. You can hand feed them. I have some other fish as well. I have never had luck with fish from Aquarium Adventure even with good water chemistry. I like Jacks just don't buy plants there because you will get a snail infestation and that sucks. I like Petsmart too, but I don't buy expensive fish.


Go to www.fishforums.net for any newbie questions, they aren't much help beyond that.


I recommend finding someone close to you that has a tank and getting an old filter or some rocks, it will get your bacterial colony jumpstarted.

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Trouble Maker:

Never go to Jacks, every time I got a fish there before I knew any better it introduced some disease into my tank, usually Ick. I got a fish there once after that because it was one I had been looking for forever and couldn't find a small one of, introduced Ick again.

hmm, maybe thats whats wrong with my fish tank. it got really green, so we cleaned it out, cleaned everything, then put new water in it, put the "solution" or w.e the fuck it is in, and it got green RIGHT away again. changed it again, exact same thing happens...


i have 3 medium oscars and 2 "sucker fish", the algae eaters

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Guest Bauer
If your tank gets green, it's probably from algae. Is your friend's tank in a sunny spot? if it is, then it'll continually get the green stuff. I'd move it to a different, less sunny spot or get a couple algae eaters.
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Originally posted by John D’Agostino:

i have 3 medium oscars and 2 "sucker fish", the algae eaters

It's because Oscars are very dirty, ugly fish. tongue.gif

J/k, they are notoriously dirty fish though. I'm not sure what you can do once you get a bad case of algae in the tank except for try to keep it clean. Get it out of the sun if it is in the sun. Algae are plants and you will also have more 'problems' with algae if your tank is in direct sun light.


You should NEVER clean out a tank completely, not even just all of the water at once. It will throw off the chemistry in the tank and bother the fish. One good thing about fish that are dirty is that generally speaking they are very hearty too, such as Oscars. Get a few new filters too, I bet your filters right now are algae infested. Just keep getting the algae off of the side of the tank, and try to get the algae out (scoop it out), and change part of the water when you do. I used the water conditioner before and I'm not really sure how much it does other than neutralize the chemicals that are bad. If it were me, I'd just get a few five gallon buckets (or however much water you want to change). Fill them up and let them sit out for a day or two, this should let all of the chemicals that you don't want in there to evaporate away. This will give you basically good water and only changing part of the water will give make this new water mix in and get the chemistry of the tank fairly quickly.


With fish that are as dirty as Oscars, your going to need to clean it fairly often or you will run into extreme problems like you have right now.


I was at my sister’s place in the Grandview near Byerely’s and I thought about this thread and stopped there to check stuff out. They sell 99% pure reverse osmosis water for $.59/gallon too. I've never used anything like this so I don't know if it's worth it or not, but you will definitely get clean water.

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I have three tanks right now.


A 55 with a SERRASALMUS Sanchezi which is a solitary Piranha.


A 75 with three PYGOCENTRUS NATTERERI (AKA Redbellies) and one Ternetzi.


I just got a 240 on Friday and I am cycling it now. I am going to put my four from my 75 in and added 3-4 more of two other species PYGOCENTRUS CARIBA and PYGOCENTRUS PIRAYA.

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Like everyone else said, either go to Byerlys or AA for fish, even the petland on hamilton rd. Right now i have 5 fish tanks. 125,75,55,55,29. IN the 125 i have a cb motoro stingray, 75 has a 11" jag, 55 has odds and ends tropical fish, other 55 has some baby jags in it, and the 29 has 2 little green terrors and some buffalo head cichlids. Im actually getting out of the hobby right now for a while, so if there is anything you need, let me know.
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The Petland on Hamilton has good prices, good selection and the fish are usually healthy, but IF THEY WANT TO SELL FISH THEY NEED TO TAKE THAT TELEPHONE OUT OF THERE. I've walked out twice after getting tired of listening to some chick gab when she should be waiting on customers.
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Originally posted by HellBound:

what are your odds and end tropicals? How much?

A couple rainbow fish,neon tetras, some long finned zebra dainos, I think black skirt tetras, and some angel fish, might be something else, but im not sure
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Guest MX3Chick
I always had gourami's. They are agressive fish, but as long as they are with "like kinds" they are ok. I had my pink "kissing" gourami (Im not kidding about this either) for 16 years. I got him when I was 8 and he just died this winter when we lost power, the temp change got him, otherwise Im sure he'd still be alive today.
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In fact, if anyone is interested in a 10-11" jag...




*old pics ^^**


a 5" female jag, or some buffalo head cichlids, let me know, trying to get rid of them...

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I've got a 75 gallon saltwater setup that's been healthy for the last 5 years it's been up. Saltwater tanks are no harder to keep up than a freshwater tank. Supplies cost a little more because of the salt you need to buy. Jack's usually has it on sale every other month for buy one, get one free. Byerleys is the best place to go by far. Aquarium Adventures has some cool fish but expect to pay almost double for a fish there. Jack's has a bad rep for poor water quality. IMO If you think you want a saltwater tank then do Saltwater. No reason to fool around with freshwater for 6 months just to drain it and set it back up with salt. If you do go salt, definitly get a good canister filter, a protien skimmer, and good lights perferrably a 2 bulb ballast with an attinic blue bulb and a 10-20K or full spectrum bulb. Everything I said is for a "Fish only" tank. If you want to talk reef, well that takes a little more upkeep. I wouldn't reccommend a reef tank for a beginner.


good luck

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