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why street racing is a good thing

Guest donny21

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street racing is good for-


making money (if your fast)

going to jail (if you get cuaght)

dying (if you crash)

losing money (if your slow)

road improvements (see going to jail)


this could be a good paper if it can be a satire will they let you right it that way?

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Guest jpurdy2003
Originally posted by Sully:

i don't think you're going to get much help from anyone on this board, as i believe most, if not everyone, on this board feels that street racing is bad. Keep it on the track.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Venomss:

</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by 10xworse:

punctuation is good.

On another note, the self-righteousness of the majority of responses in this thread is nauseating. Street racing may be stupid, but I'd be willing to bet you've all done some form of it. Pandering to the crowd by bashing stereotypical street racers is as bad as being a stereotypical street racer. </font><font color ="midnightblue"> I completely agree. With all the videos I've seen posted by this board of people of this board street racing on 270 and the like, it seems a bit hypocritical to smash this guy so sanctimoniously. Let he who has not street raced cast the first stone...
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Guest aftermidnight

it was something to do and it was fun, but there's too many dip-shits out there anymore acting like they can drive and they haven't a clue....thats when people get hurt or worse.......on the track is where it's at.... graemlins/thumb.gif


btw, i'm not saying anything bad about anyone on here regardless of who they are or what they drive, but i'm sure 99.9% of you all have seen the "ones" from time to time i'm refering to.


none the less, good luck on the paper

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Originally posted by Corolla sans Engine:

Good try, but just change your topic. Honestly, there are no worthwhile reasons I can think of besides money.

chicks dude chicks haha......thats where all the chicks go...........yea right
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Guest donny21
ok first off thanks for everyones input my teacher is letting me change the topic to why street racing is bad. i apprieciate the input and to the assholes that dont have a lack of sence about anything you dont know me and probablly never saw my car. and if you did you wouldn't be saying half the shit youve said but again thanks for the input its greatly appreiciated.
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