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Well, we bought a house!


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The loan that Anthony got was an EXCELLENT loan. I would recommend it to anyone looking to do 100% purchase. This product is ONLY available at 5/3rd. Cannot express how good of a deal this is.


Glad to hear it worked out. I wish you and your family much happiness as new home owners.

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Originally posted by BIG PAPA:

The loan that Anthony got was an EXCELLENT loan. I would recommend it to anyone looking to do 100% purchase. This product is ONLY available at 5/3rd. Cannot express how good of a deal this is.


Glad to hear it worked out. I wish you and your family much happiness as new home owners.

Thanks Greg. And I have much appreciation for you for the amount of time and footwork you did for us. I would ahve 100% gone with you if the 5/3 had fallen through for some reason. You're a good guy smile.gif


Keith, Marc pays me rent for his car. He's been doing it with a garage where I'm at now for like two years. Hey, that's $50/mo off of my mortgage ;)

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Originally posted by Tenzig:

clicky http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:kpmm19I1XsEJ:www.futuramer.ru/art/DeadAngel/DA_Zoidberg.GIF

Bloody Reynoldsburg though, you can leave that town, ya know, come Nawth! tongue.gif

North = higher taxes + higher real estate costs without really gaining anything expect maybe some extra snobby neighbors.


No thanks. I'm going to bet Anthony would agree with that.

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