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From Russia, with Love

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

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So...Russia. It fucking rocks.


Right now I'm in the heart of America's infamous archnemisis...Moscow! (or Mockba if your Russian).


I'm in an uber-mall beneath red-square right now, passing the time until 1700 when I meet up with some friends.


ANYWAYS - yeah, so Russia is awesome. I wish I could describe it properly; it's very difficult to give a country this amazing justice with mere words. After an hour-long border crossing from Finland to Russia, I arrived last Thursday in St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg, much in contrast to what I was expecting, is quite "depressed" (you were right, Eric); national icons and buildings such as the Summer and Winter Palace (the Hermitage), the Naval Academy, and many others are in a terrible state of disrepair. Bricks are crumbling, portions are falling apart, and there's even graffiti on the Winter Palace in Alexander Square. So, to be quite honest, St. Petersburg was not a little dissapointing.


Moscow, however, is a whole different story.


Granted that there is the ubiquitous Russian poverty lingering quietly in the background, the city itself is in much better condition than Petersburg. Red Square is simply amazing, and St. Basils is... larger than life. The first time I saw it was like all the pictures I had ever seen of it had suddenly come to life. The Kremlin was very impressive, with its red brick walls stretching a hundred or so feet above the ground in places. And I did manage to see Lenin; the closed the grounds in the morning, but oppened them up again after the decision for the 2012 Olympics was determined. The crypt itself was very cold, and no one was alowed to speak...it was quiet as a tomb, you might say...


He looked a little waxy, but other than that, it was quite an experience to actually see the man responsible for instigating nearly a century of Communism and terror around the world.


I also took the metro over, and while I was on it I felt something in my pocket, looked down, and saw a man reaching two fingers down towards my wallet. I grabbed his arm and, using colorful language, told him if he wanted to keep it, to kindly fuck off. I've always lived in small towns, and this was my first experience on the subway, so it was a little shocking. Anyways, no harm done, and it makes for a cool story.


So, to wrap it up, I'm loving Russia, and can't wait to see what else is ahead. In two days I head off to Belarus, then Warsaw in Poland (plus a few other cities), then through Germany to Berlin and back to Denmark where I'll fly home from Copenhagen. I am getting to read your responses in the other threads, but time limits me so I can't reply; I do appreciate your suggestions, insights, and advice. Until next time!


(Jon - I'll post a few, don't worry ;)

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Lucky bastard, I hope I get that type of expeirence once in my life. It sounds awesome and definitely once in a lifetime, is this a business trip for you or just a personal vacation? We want pics!!!
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