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Ok, so I went to court today for like the 4th time this year. A quick timeline of tickets he's handled...


May '04: Got pulled over for Speeding on Reynoldsburg-New Albany Road (Franklin County Sheriff), 50 in a 35 (two points). My lawyer got it reduced to a "loud muffler" violation, no points and a $50 fine.


November '04: Got pulled over for Reckless Operation on SR161 (New Albany PD), 115 in a 65 dropped to 97 in a 65 (six points). My lawyer got it reduced to a 71 in a 65 Speeding, two points and a $120 fine.


February '05: Got pulled over for Speeding on I-670 (Columbus PD), 76 in a 65 (two points). See below.


May '05: Got pulled over in the Firebird on I-70/S. Hamilton Road (Columbus Freeway Patrol) and had a "vehicle inspection" done on the side of the road. Got hit with no front plate, loud exhaust, and unsafe vehicle (bald tires).


It just so happens the February Speeding (after two continuances) and the three non-moving violations fell on the same day with the same judge. I got there about 9:30am and met my lawyer in the hallway where he proceeded to tell me he'd already spoke with the prosecutor and struck a deal. If I pled guilty to the three non-moving violations, they'd dismiss the Speeding outright. That's it.


I ended up getting the Speeding dropped from February and he got my three fines for the NMVs reduced from $110 each to $25 each :eek:


All this was done with my prior six speeding tickets from before he even met me plus the previous cases he worked on. He did warn me the judge is tired of seeing me and that is fair warning :D


Anyways, he kicks ass at what he does, and he is a traffic lawyer based here in Reynoldsburg. If anyone's interested, I can give you his contact info.


BTW, he's part of the Hyatt Legal Plans network, so everything he's done for me has cost me $15 a month ;)


[ 17. May 2005, 12:43 PM: Message edited by: Donkey Schlong ]

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Originally posted by (s)aint ZX:

WTF is a Hyatt Legal Plans network?

It's a nationwide group of lawyers that in addition to their practice, work with this plan and accept $$$ from Hyatt to take people's cases at their discretion.


Kinda like legal insurance. You pay $15/month flat rate and get unlimited claims for legal services, minus DUIs. In turn, Hyatt pays the lawyer their fees for taking the case.



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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

May '05: Got pulled over in the Firebird on I-70/S. Hamilton Road (Columbus Freeway Patrol) and had a "vehicle inspection" done on the side of the road. Got hit with no front plate, loud exhaust, and unsafe vehicle (bald tires).

I've heard alot of people complaning about getting nailed with this BS road side inspection. Honestly I think the last time Ohio did this around here was in the late 70's or early 80's. It Sucks!!


You definitly got the hook up. I've used Bill Meeks and Sam Samanski for a couple things I got myself into and they are incredibly good and expensive!


Glad you got out of all that mess!!! We give enough of our hard earned $$$ to the Government!

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Originally posted by Donkey Schlong:

November '05: Got pulled over for Reckless Operation on SR161 (New Albany PD), 115 in a 65 dropped to 97 in a 65 (six points). My lawyer got it reduced to a 71 in a 65 Speeding, two points and a $120 fine.


whoa anthony went into the future to get this ticket.....he is a hardcore ticket getter!!! But anyways nice job getting so little on all those tickets. :D
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by BLACK ITR GUY:

ant did it ever come to you that the speeding gods hate you!!!!!!

<font color ="midnightblue"> Yes, but the judicial system gods love him to death, so it evens out.


Way to go, man. graemlins/thumb.gif

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