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Police quotes

old dirty bastard

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The following were taken off of actual police car videos around the



"Relax, the handcuffs are tight because they're new. They'll stretch


after you wear them awhile."


"Take your hands off the car, and I'll make your birth certificate a

worthless document."


"If you run, you'll only go to jail tired."


"Can you run faster than 1,200 feet per second? In case you didn't


that is the average speed of a 9mm bullet fired from my gun."


"So you don't know how fast you were going. I guess that means I can

write anything I want on the ticket, huh?"


"Yes, Sir, you can talk to the shift supervisor, but I don't think it

will help. Oh ... did I mention that I am the shift supervisor?"


"Warning! You want a warning? O.K., I'm warning you not to do that


or I'll give you another ticket."


"The answer to this last question will determine whether you are drunk

or not. Was Mickey Mouse a cat or a dog?"


"Fair? You want me to be fair? Listen, fair is a place where you go to

ride on rides, eat cotton candy, and step in monkey doo."


"Yeah, we have a quota. Two more tickets and my wife gets a toaster



"In God we trust, all others we run through NCIC."


"Just how big were those two beers?"


"No sir we don't have quotas anymore. We used to have quotas but now

we're allowed to write as many tickets as we want."


"I'm glad to hear the Chief of Police is a good personal friend of

yours. At least you know someone who can post your bail."


And the best one .


You didn't think we give pretty women tickets? You're right, we don't.

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Other reasons I hate most cops{again I say most because I know some very cool and respectfull cops}

1. Because they think they are always right.

2. Because they think they are judge and jury, guilty until proven innocent is their motto.

3. Because they demand respect when their actions rarely merit it.

4. Because without that gun and badge and backup they would never treat people like they do.

5. Because they almost never prevent crime, they just react to it.

6. Because they made a bad career choice they take it out on minor lawbreakers.

7. Because you can be handcuffed for no reason other than your physical superiority to the officer.

8. Because I've had a gun pointed at my head for walking away from a party


Feel free to flame me if you feel the need

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Originally posted by Chad is Dead:

the cop thing is from stuntlife.com and the person who started the thread was member from stuntlife. And I'm not 17, I'm 20. And I can understand some of the reasons but if you could explain them I'd appreciate it. Honestly, I'm not tryin to be a dick.

If you want to better understand the police my suggestion is go on a ride along and see there job first hand.Ride alongs are pretty cool.
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Originally posted by Old Dirty Bastard:

If you want to better understand the police my suggestion is go on a ride along and see there job first hand.Ride alongs are pretty cool.

Yup it can certainly change the way some people judge police graemlins/jerkit.gif
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Originally posted by DragKnee66:

Yup it can certainly change the way some people judge police graemlins/jerkit.gif

why wouldnt it not change someones view?He said he didnt understand somethings so what better way to understand?A ride along is riding for a day w/ a police officer in the front not getting arrested and riding in the back


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How do you get to go on a ride along? I would love to do that even though I've been on the other side of things and have had some really shitty cops. I've also had some cops who let us go instead of getting arrested, which was really cool, but the dick head cops are shitty and they are the ones that make me not want to follow the laws. When I got arrested one of the officers wanted to let us sit in the cruisers while they searched the car and the other one told him no that he didn't care if we froze, it was negative degrees outside, and I got frostbite on my thumb from the cold and the handcuffs were cutting off my circulation, it sucked. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif
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You are going to run into assholes in EVERY field. The only difference with cops that are assholes are they don't get fired for being assholes.

I am yet to find a cop that was unprofessional, I have talked to some that were damn stupid, but they were courtious while being stupid.

Buddy had one the other night here in Jtown, FNG cop, and to look at him, he belongs at the door of a gay bar, but that's not the point. John was plowing snow, cop pull's in front of his plow truck, in a parking lot (it was the bank BTW, but it don't excuse the dumbness) gets out of the car, has to step OVER the snow that John was plowing, unbuttons his side arm and walks to the door of Johns truck with his hand on his gun and asks "What are you doing?" Of course John told him some shit about building an airplane or some equally dumb remark to a dumb question. About that time Johns partner comes past, also plowing snow in the lot. Cop says "Tell him to stop right now." John told the cop to tell him to stop, that he was being paid by the hour and he wasn't about to tell him to stop and sit around while being paid. About that time another veteran officer pulls in and ask John, "John, what's going on?" Deputy Fife here wants to know what I am doing."

Young cop gets pissed off at this point and orders John out of his truck, Collins, the veteran officer, looks at the FNG and politely tells him to STFU, get back in his crusier and go the hell back to the station immediately. FNG cop sticks his tail between his legs and complys. Only to come back out later and fuck with John again at another lot which I was also at talking to John. Then implys to me that he could arrest me for loitering (I was standing in the lot talking to John) I explained to him that not only had permission to be their but had keys to the building to prove it and if he wanted to call the owner (richest family in town, they own Tech Tire) that he was more than welcome to. Of course after this John told me about the previous run in with the guy.


And they let idiots like that carry guns but will throw the average citizen in jail or carrying a gun without a permit. But he was polite the whole time, it was Sir and please in every statement he made.

I also have a close friend tht is a Athens County Sheriff, he's been at it for a long time and is a good cop, as MOST are. But one dumbshit, that probably would get fired as a jester for being to stupid becomes a police officer. He's just one bad apple in a bunch, but it only takes one to turn your stomache.

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Originally posted by Chad is Dead:

1. Because they think they are always right.

2. Because they think they are judge and jury, guilty until proven innocent is their motto.

3. Because they demand respect when their actions rarely merit it.

4. Because without that gun and badge and backup they would never treat people like they do.

5. Because they almost never prevent crime, they just react to it.

6. Because they made a bad career choice they take it out on minor lawbreakers.

7. Because you can be handcuffed for no reason other than your physical superiority to the officer.

8. Because I've had a gun pointed at my head for walking away from a party

1. Usually cops are right, they work in a profession where they have more knowledge of the law than most of us, no one ever tells the story when i cop was right about a law only when they make mistakes

2. Cops can give you tickets/take you into the station, but they cannot hold you without a reason, and they cannot punish you without a reason, if they aren't right you go to court and prove them wrong in front of a judge/jury if you cannot then you are punished

3. How do their actions not merit respect, to protect a populace that mostly despies what they do for petty reasons, to put their life in danger for the betterment of society. If nothing else they are doing their part to be a positive influence on things and not a negative

4. duh, the gun/badge/backup/authority gives them the ability to,if the didn't have that they would have to abide laws like everyone else, now they have more rules than the average citizen to follow because of that

5. you want civil liberties to live free then complain about cops not being able to prevent crime, if we didn't put so many restrictions on cops then they would be able to prevent crime, but remember the drunk driver has rights and they can't be violated, example, cops can't sit outside of bars and wait on people to get in cars and catch them for driving drunk because that is entrapment

6. don't even know how to reply, and again if you are breaking the law, i don't see how you can complain about a cop not being respectful, you are the one doing something wrong

7. never heard of that before, guess you will have to give an example of that cause the only time i have ever seen someone cuffed was because of something

8. okay you are under 21, at a party (assuming alcohol was involved) as you are walking away from a party, which probably means you were told to stop and didn't as you were trying to get away from being caught for underage, but as this is an asumption you will have to tell more about the situation before much more can be said


cops have to put up with the lowest of society on a daily basis and people want them to be nice to them when they get pulled over for breaking a traffic law/minor infraction, just because you are a public servant does not mean you have to be nice to people, attention: cops do not have to be nice to you, all they have to do is follow the guidelines our politicians put forth for them. Seems like another case of someone grouping the good in with the very few bad in this case. The best way to not have a bad experience with a cop is to do what they say with respect towards them, i do that and have had very minimal bad experiences with cops. its easy to have good relations with cops, don't break the law, and if they do make a mistake don't be disrespectful to them about it, it is really that simple

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Too many words, too early in the morning - I couldn't get past Desperado's rambling.


BTW, though, the quotes were hilarious. I doubt many of them were really said by cops, but they doesn't mean they aren't funny.


[ 02. February 2005, 02:29 PM: Message edited by: Venomss ]

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I remember a party I went to along time ago I was having a real good time until we heard Everyone exit the house over a loud speaker I looked out the window and noticed several cruisers in front of the house with alot angry looking police officers near them.Well the party cleared out to go outside to see what the police wanted I remember when exiting the house I seen a shotgun pointed at me and a police officer on each side of the door with weapons drawn.I remember thinking what the fuck is this all about but I kept my mouth shut and let the police officers do there job they had all of us against a wall facing the wall with the 12 gauge police officer and several checking for weapons there was a wanabee lawyer there saying "You cant do this and wah wah wah"shit I was like shut the fuck up you have nothing to hide just let them do there job and they will leave.Well I soon realized why they were there they had a report of a person with a gun in the area who robbed someone and was last seen entering the house they found the guy in the house hiding in a closet which was kind of scary thinking that fucker had a gun in our party and was hiding from the law and decide to hide in a house he didnt know anyone in well the cops found there guy and we all went back to the party.Sometimes what the police officer does seems like they are fucking with you just to do it which I admit it seemed like that at first but it was nothing like that my .02 is if you have nothing to hide just let them do what they need to do and everyone will be happy unless you have shit to hide.
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got into a fight once, had the kid on the ground drawing back and hitting him, well one of the times I drew back I felt my elbow hit something, I had nailed a Sheriff right in the face, nedless to say he restrained me and put me in the cruiser, and as I thought for sure I was going to jail forever for hitting am officer. He simply said "I understand, and I should of stated my authority before approaching, we're going to leave that part of this whole ordeal, is that okay with you?" of course it was, ever since THAT officer I've had nothing but respect for all cops. I've never ran into one that was a complete dick as long as I was just curtious and polite with him/her.
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