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Interesting Ticket need advice.


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Got a ticket down here in my good old home town of Lancaster last night. So here is the story, me and said friend were minding our own business driving down main st last night around 10:00pm minding our own business, driving the speed limit and just going along without a problem, an officer going the opposite direction then flicks his lights at me, I realize that my lights were off.


So I turned them on and continued on my way, well come to find out the officer has pulled a U-Turn at this time and proceeds to pull me over. He then proceeds to take not only my ID to his cruiser but my buddies also. Under the circumstances that was a little far to go in my opinion considering the offense I was pulled over for. So then he comes back with a ticket that reads no headlights and the fine falls in to the category of $105 ticket for said violation 337.02(a) he was quite rude about the situation and I believe I was just being harassed.


So I am going to of course go to court and fight this because I believe I should have rightfully been given a warning. I was just wonderng what plea I should enter under these circumstances and how to go about the process.


-Thanks Adam

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..."and just going along without a problem"...


You had a problem; you were driving with no headlights on. Why do you feel you deserved a warning? He did his job, nothing more. There's nothing unusual or interesting about getting a ticket for driving at 10p.m. with no lights on.


Chalk it up to a lesson learned, man.

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Here is a link to an Acrobat file containing Lancaster city ordinances, which your offense is in violation of. LCO Pretty cut and dry, don't even bother fighting it; there's not much to gain. The court won't even hear an argument with regard to the officer's discretion. (Whether or not the average cop would've written it up is of no consequence.) It's a non-moving violation which = no points, which = the win. Just pay it and move on. Fighting it in court may get you a lower fine, but by the time you factor in the court costs and your time, you're right back in the same neighborhood.
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Originally posted by RelliK:

Got a ticket down here in my good old home town of Lancaster last night. So here is the story, me and said friend were minding our own business driving down main st last night around 10:00pm minding our own business, driving the speed limit and just going along without a problem, an officer going the opposite direction then flicks his lights at me, I realize that my lights were off.


So I turned them on and continued on my way, well come to find out the officer has pulled a U-Turn at this time and proceeds to pull me over. He then proceeds to take not only my ID to his cruiser but my buddies also. Under the circumstances that was a little far to go in my opinion considering the offense I was pulled over for. So then he comes back with a ticket that reads no headlights and the fine falls in to the category of $105 ticket for said violation 337.02(a) he was quite rude about the situation and I believe I was just being harassed.


So I am going to of course go to court and fight this because I believe I should have rightfully been given a warning. I was just wonderng what plea I should enter under these circumstances and how to go about the process.


-Thanks Adam

Why do some people feel they are always being harrased? You know why he took your buddies ID? To check for warrants, not going too far there. You know why you got a ticket? YOU WERE DRIVING WITH NO HEADLIGHTS ON!!!
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How many of you have forgotten to turn your lights on? Christ its a common mistake I dont think that it warrants a 105$ fine yes it was a mistake but it was a well lit street and it really didnt phase me that my lights were not on, and the reason I felt harrassed is because I turned my lights on right after he had signaled me if I were in an adult in my 30 or 40s would I had been ticketed or warned? He also accused me of trying to ellude him because I turned on to another street, yet he had no lights on to assume he was in pursuit and he copped an attitude. Sure its a lesson learned but still shitty.
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I was just riding with Westerville PD and we had talked about the same thing.


Its common that drunk drivers fail to turn on headlights while driving, therfor he saw opportunity to pull you over. At 10pm with no headlights you could have caused a SERIOUS accident, so he had probable cause to pull you over.. its 10PM.. Why werent your lights on? 10pm = very dark outside.


Most of the time, yes, you do only get a warning. However, in this case, maybe the officer was having a bad night, or maybe you have other traffic violations too? Maybe you were cocky with him, or just plainly displayed a bad attitude. Hell, maybe you just had some bad luck for the night.


Busted. End of story. You could try and plead no contest and have the fine thrown out, but either way youre still stuck paying court costs now.

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Some people will always have the "life is so unfair to me" attitude. If the worst thing you ever get nailed for is BREAKING AN ACTUAL LEGIT LAW, consider yourself lucky.


"But, uhh, I simply forgot to turn them on. I'm being singled out cause I'm young, yo."


Might as well read, "I forgot to use my blinker", "I fogot to use my seatbelt", "I forgot to stop at the stopsign."


Grow up, own up, pay up.

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Originally posted by RelliK:

How many of you have forgotten to turn your lights on? Christ its a common mistake I dont think that it warrants a 105$ fine yes it was a mistake but it was a well lit street and it really didnt phase me that my lights were not on, and the reason I felt harrassed is because I turned my lights on right after he had signaled me if I were in an adult in my 30 or 40s would I had been ticketed or warned? He also accused me of trying to ellude him because I turned on to another street, yet he had no lights on to assume he was in pursuit and he copped an attitude. Sure its a lesson learned but still shitty.

I have never forgotten to turn my headlights on. the FIRST thing I do when I get in my car driving day or night
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Adam, just pay the god damn ticket. once we saw he busted a u turn, you sped up. Which would make it look like you were trying to evade him. you were going atleast 50 in a 35. I'm not a rocket scientest, but I'm guessing he asked for my ID to make sure I wasnt wanted for anything, wouldnt you think that looks suspicious? I mean, to him you were trying to get away. Adam, become a fireman like me, and not have to worry about it. i am let go 2/3 of the time. hahahaha.
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I wrote a guy last night for driving with out his lights on it was 2:00 am. I figured that if he did not turn on his lights when the other cars flicked thier lights at him then he deserved it. Make sure you have your lights on at night its the LAW....
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Guest GSRchick714

10pm is kinda late to just forget to turn on your headlights...didn't you notice your gauges weren't lit up and the road in front of you was sorta darker than normal?

I mean, I've forgotten for a few seconds before but I can understand the cop writing you a ticket..sorry

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you're a fucking douchebag. just pay the goddamn ticket and get over yourself. no one is harrassing you. you were driving without your headlights on like a fucking moron and got a ticket for it. quit your bitching and grow the fuck up.
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Originally posted by satan:

you're a fucking douchebag. just pay the goddamn ticket and get over yourself. no one is harrassing you. you were driving without your headlights on like a fucking moron and got a ticket for it. quit your bitching and grow the fuck up.

Plus one.
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Your all forgetting something very important. Fairfield county is going through very difficult budget problems. I have been hearing on the radio that they are laying off 20 or 30 more officers. He was just earning money for the city. He may have never wrote a ticket for it under normal conditions, but sounds like your just screwed.



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Originally posted by Tractor:

Your all forgetting something very important. Fairfield county is going through very difficult budget problems. I have been hearing on the radio that they are laying off 20 or 30 more officers. He was just earning money for the city. He may have never wrote a ticket for it under normal conditions, but sounds like your just screwed.



The COUNTY is laying off deputies, we got pulled over by Lancaster PD
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get a new car... they turn on the lights automatically ;)


I never worry about my lights being on or not because both of my cars do it for me... And if I turn them off... the damn thing keeps on beeping at me telling me that headlights are suggested.


and yes, I want my damn cookie! tongue.gif


In all honesty, I have a feeling that you were being a dick to the police officer which made him decide to give you a ticket. I have found, when I try to argue with them, or yell or whatever... they WILL give you a ticket. 105 scoobs is allot of coin, but just think of it this way, at least it's no points on your liscense.

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Guest MX3Chick
Originally posted by Tractor:

Your all forgetting something very important. Fairfield county is going through very difficult budget problems. I have been hearing on the radio that they are laying off 20 or 30 more officers. He was just earning money for the city. He may have never wrote a ticket for it under normal conditions, but sounds like your just screwed.



I know a Fairfield County Sheriff....I can guarantee you that they wouldnt just be off writting tickets to meet the budget. Thats a really stupid thing to say....


Plus, theres an easier way to solve the budget problem that most people in Fairfield County are aware of....get rid of Phalen & give some of those "higher ups" in the police system that have 6 figure salaries a salary cut...not write more tickets...

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I can assure you its not such a stupid thing to say. I know how things work and if there are budget problems instead of governments/companies just working things out they put all the pressure on the little guys ie cops and/or sales whatever to work harder to get more revenue. Its just a really sad way to do things, but its life.



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most people that feel as if they are being harassed by a cop (or anyone) will often be a dick right back to whoever in the moment. If you thought you were being harassed, you probably acted in a less-than-respectful manner, making him less inclined to let you off.


My dad got pulled over by a Gahanna PD for a Euro front plate and not using his blinker pulling out of a gas station.. The cop was the biggest douche I've ever met (this was at 5:30 am) because he sat in the gas station and waited until my dad had finished filling his tires to pull out and get behind us so he could simply flick on his flashers. When he came back to the window, he gave my dad a warning for the plates and blinker and said "buddy, i don't know what you're thinking but this isn't germany. fix your plates before someone else sees them"


There was no reason for the cop to be such an asshole, but my dad stayed quiet and responded "yes sir, no sir" to all his questions. Thats how you get your ass out of a ticket.

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