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Bowl Game "commentary"...

Devils Advocate

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Is it just me, or have ALL of the commentators for all of the bowl games been absolute douchebags? After whaving to listen to OSU's three biggest haters last night, I've had to suffer through a bunch of no name toolboxes prattle on about pro wrestling and a bunch of other non-football related shit while watching the NC game. Where have all the good commentators gone?
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Originally posted by Republicant:

Is it just me, or have ALL of the commentators for all of the bowl games been absolute douchebags? After whaving to listen to OSU's three biggest haters last night, I've had to suffer through a bunch of no name toolboxes prattle on about pro wrestling and a bunch of other non-football related shit while watching the NC game. Where have all the good commentators gone?

you are just now realizing this that college commentators suck.....its been like this for a while
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It's called 28 bowl games in around two weeks. I enjoy Hirbstreit/Corso..


but I'm about fed up w/ ESPN making such a HUGE deal about these boosters and crap, that's all they talk about.. :rolleyes: Trev Alberts and Mark May are about the biggest idiots I've ever seen. After watching them trash on Ohio State's program and the only "facts" they had were rumors and this little Smith incident I really think Tressel/Geiger could claim slander.."either Ohio State is COMPLETELY naive or they know that this Maurice stuff is true." :mad: Everyone at ESPN seems to forget they already investigated this stuff.. wow I got off track..


yeah most of the announcers suck.. and that woman who does some ESPN game drives me NUTS. I immediately turn it no matter how good the game is.

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The most horrible commentator is CLEARLY Bret Musfucker.....I hate him every single time he does the buckeyes he never gives them props. No matter how bad they blow a team out (which isnt often) but always makes the other team so much better then what they are. You can tell he doesnt like OSU and i wish he wouldnt commentate for them any longer.
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ESPN hates OSU because Geiger wouldn't let them do anything michigan OSU related, since they were the only ones that gave the maurice bullshit ANY press at all... It isn't hard to see some ESPN execs saying "hey guys, lay into OSU about the controversy and stuff like that"....
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Hmmm, I actually thought the three last night (Turico, Corso, and Herbstreit) were very pro-OSU, insofar as, the whole night, they were touting OSU's football prowess (e.g., "You just want to sit back and watch Ginn run," etc.). Certainly, it would be hard for anyone in their position to call it any other way - Ohio State just simply dominated, and I mean dominated, Oklahoma State.


Now, as for the whole ESPN vs. OSU re: the Clarett / Troy Smith thing, ESPN has an agenda, and I think it may even be a little personal. The gang last night, well, they work for ESPN, so they had to (yes, had to) discuss the whole OSU scandal stuff. So, the question is why, and why now? Well, if you remember, when Clarett first came out, ESPN was on it, and Geiger said something like, "ESPN, you're unethical because Clarett's a liar and no one will ever find anything on us because Clarett's a jackass and that means you are just bad media." For a while, things died down. Then comes along the Troy Smith thing, which, either explicitly or implicitly, gave credence to what Clarett was alleging. So, my thinking is that the big-wigs at ESPN want to really hit on the OSU scandal stuff hard now, not only to help validate their earlier story about Clarett (that Geiger called slanderous, in the least), but also to put it right back in the face of Geiger.


[EDIT: I just realized that Republicant essentially just said this in only about 3,000 fewer sentences.]


More briefly, I too hate Brent Musburger, and I wholeheartedly believe he is biased against Ohio State. To a lesser extent, so is Keith Jackson - I keep praying that he'll finally succumb to the Alzheimer's.

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