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FACTS about Iraq...


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...take them as you will.


*! Over 400,000 kids have up-to-date immunizations.

* School attendance is up 80% from levels before the war.

* Over 1,500 schools have been renovated and rid of the weapons stored there so education can occur.

* The port of Uhm Qasar was renovated so grain can be off-loaded from ships faster.

* The country had its first 2 billion barrel export of oil in August.

* Over 4.5 million people have clean drinking water for the first time ever in Iraq.

* The country now receives 2 times the electrical power it did before the war.

* 100% of the hospitals are open and fully staffed, compared to 35% before the war.

* Elections are taking place in every major city, and city councils are in place.

* Sewer and water lines are installed in every major city.

*! Over 60,000 police are patrolling the streets.

* Over 100,000 Iraqi civil defense police are securing the country.

* Over 80,000 Iraqi soldiers are patrolling the streets side by side with US soldiers.

* Over 400,000 people have telephones for the first time ever.

* Students are taught field sanitation and hand-washing techniques to prevent the spread of germs.

* An interim constitution has been signed.

* Girls are allowed to attend school.

* Textbooks that don't mention Saddam are in the schools for the first time in 30 years.


I'm not a HUGE fan of Bush right now, but don't be swayed by what the media "professes" to know about what's going on in Iraq. We're doing some pretty amazing things over there.


That is all. smile.gif

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Sources aren't relevant because people only acknowledge facts that fit their pre-conceived ideas. "This is a modern Vietnam, dammit, and don't tell me otherwise!"


("But Kosovo is okay because I like the guy who put us there.")


BTW, my favorite chain email is the one with supposed Bush "misstatements". I tracked most of the down one time, and nearly all were actually Dan Quayle and Al Gore. Never let the facts get in the way of a good character smear, though. ;)


Oh yeah, and Bill Clinton had like 1,000 people murdered in Arkansas. :rolleyes:


(See? I can be fair! tongue.gif )

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BTW, when the media shows the people who are fighting the U.S. and flicking the soldiers off.... Those are small groups of militants who liked Saddam, OR groups of people who want to take over the gov't themselves. Most people want the U.S. there. My cousin is stationed at the Airport in Baghdad, and he said people walk by and wave, they have learned to say "hello, go U.S.A." and things like that. Don't believe the liberal media.
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The knee-jerk "liberal media" retort is as old and busted as the "bible-thumping, redneck, wife-beating, 'upstandin' Amurikin'" imagery that is associated with those who preach it.


Right wing conspiracy theories are almost as entertaining as those birthed by the lefties.


The world isnt as black and white as you think it is.

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PS. It is true that Many Iraqis were happy with the "invasion", Its also true that many of those who were happy are now frustrated with what they percieve as an occupation.


You think the Shiites AND the Sunnis represent a "small number of millitants" and that they liked saddam?



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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

PS. It is true that Many Iraqis were happy with the "invasion", Its also true that many of those who were happy are now frustrated with what they percieve as an occupation.


You think the Shiites AND the Sunnis represent a "small number of millitants" and that they liked saddam?



Most ARE still happy with the the Americans being there. And yes it is a small # of militants compared to the overall population that likes having the U.S. there.


BTW, I don't care too much for your liberal views. You are sitting here talking to a hardcore conservative republican.

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I'm still a firm believer in taking care of your own first. All of this money spent on chasing Sadam and Bin Laden could have been used here locally in the states to help build our country. There are MUCH better ways to protect this country then to chase down two bad leaders. First off, what about poverty in America? What about those families living off of S. Ohio Ave. that haven't had running water in three months? Or what about all of the homeless I see downtown at night? Is their misery worth us fighting in Iraq? Don't get me wrong, I support our troops 100%. They are not there by choice. They are doing what they have to do and deserve every bit of our respect. But don't you think those billions of dollars could have been put to better use? Maybe I'm completely off my rocker (which most of you believe), but I can't stand America sometimes. I was born here. My parents were born here. My grandparents moved here when they were little. I am American. 100%. I have German roots, but I myself am American. I think as Americans we should take care of Americans. How many countries want Bush out of power? Alot. But how many countries are invading America to get him out of power? None. You could argue that America isn't a terrorist nation. Well, let's think about that for a minute. What is terrorism? By definition:

The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.
So if you were an Iraqi who's father or mother was killed during this, what would you think? Would you think that WE are the terrorists? Would you want to get everyone who agreed with you to seek revenge for the terrorist acts that were brought upon you by a foreign nation? You bet your ass. Minding our own business right now would probably be a good idea. Two friends of mine just had a kid. The husband works in a record shop. The wife works at a salon cutting hair. They barely made enough money to make it by themselves. Now they have a child to take care of as well. Should we spend $575,000 on one Tomahawk Cruise missle, or should we give 57 couples each $10,000 to help with all of the things new borns need during their first year? That is just one missle. I don't mean to piss anyone off or offend anyone. This is just my personal opinion. I don't want to change anyone's opinion. I just hope you think about this for a minute. The money spent on just one missle could feed and provide everything needed for 57 newborns. Just one missle.
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Originally posted by L.Pee.J:

Most ARE still happy with the the Americans being there. And yes it is a small # of militants compared to the overall population that likes having the U.S. there.



Originally posted by L.Pee.J:

BTW, I don't care too much for your liberal views. You are sitting here talking to a hardcore conservative republican.

Um ok, good for you. I actually define by beliefs with logic and reason rather than shoe-horning myself into a political category. Whateva works for ya.


Its too nice outside to argue about politics. Im done.


PS. Socialism isnt the answer 1b1s1b. Makes people lazy. (What a non liberal thing to say!)

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Originally posted by One bourbon, one scotch, one beer:


"Two friends of mine just had a kid. . . they have a child to take care of as well. Should we spend $575,000 on one Tomahawk Cruise missle, or should we give 57 couples each $10,000 to help with all of the things new borns need during their first year?"


Here is a novel idea, get a better job, don't have kids unless you can afford them. I find it ammusing that so many people scream for the government to get out of peoples lives, but when somone makes a decision that puts them in a bind, somone points them out suggesting the government should give them a handout :rolleyes:

It's NOT the governments Job to feed 57 newborns, It's the 114 parents jobs. why should the governmet give them 10 grand, the way you tell it it doesn't seem like they paid 10 grand in taxes.



This country has more opprotunity than any other IN THE WORLD, Over half the millionares in america today are SELF MADE!! If you are homeless there are programs to help. Just ignore the fact that 99% of homeless people fucked up thier own life in some way to put them self in that possition.


Also, what's the use if we help somone get a house and a job if they get blown up while they are at work. If we ignore the threat, as clinton did and bush did initially, They will come back!!

Live in your happy joy joy world of pre-September 11, 2001 but terroism in the U.S is real and planting democracy and freedom in the middle east WILL reap benifits in the future, as it is today. Do you think iran would have halted it's nuclear program had it not been for us?



How many countries want bush out of power?

1. the ones that support terroism

2. france, germany and russia that had Huge contracts with Iraq, many going against U.N. law


better ways to protect the U.S.?

we tried talking, and diplomacy remember? it got more americans killed.

Bad guys bombed the world trade center in 1993, what did we do, jack shit. we sit on our asses for 8 years thinking our oceans will protect us and then the same people come back to finish the job.

In jordan this week terrorists were caught with a chemical bomb, a WMD that the terroists got from seria (sp?) where did seria get that stuff?


"So if you were an Iraqi who's father or mother was killed during this, what would you think?"

I love it when fucking liberals use single examples as reference the the bigger picture, fact is for every 1 innocent iraqi that loses thier life by US error there are many more people who's life is remarkably better, who's child, or father was released from an iraqi prison. or gets to go to school because of us, but that would be to possitive, huh?


"Would you want to get everyone who agreed with you to seek revenge for the terrorist acts that were brought upon you by a foreign nation?"

that's what were doin buddy graemlins/thumb.gif


I don't mean to piss anyone off or offend anyone. This is just my personal opinion.

not pissed, not offend, I'm sorry your opinion On this subject is misguided and fucked up.

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joel = win


and wishiwascool, you seem to be a pretty smart liberal i have read your posts on here and a little on offtopic.com, and you seem to be able to think in a liberal way but see through liberal bs, for that you get a gold star http://www.jewelryexpert.com/catalog/graphics/Drusy-Gold-Star-1.gif

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

PS. It is true that Many Iraqis were happy with the "invasion", Its also true that many of those who were happy are now frustrated with what they percieve as an occupation.


You think the Shiites AND the Sunnis represent a "small number of millitants" and that they liked saddam?



i dont think the shittes liked sadamm, and as far as the media, here it is plain in simple black and white, they write what sells, and nothing sells better then propaganda. And as a given rule the media is liberal.
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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

PS. It is true that Many Iraqis were happy with the "invasion", Its also true that many of those who were happy are now frustrated with what they percieve as an occupation.


You think the Shiites AND the Sunnis represent a "small number of millitants" and that they liked saddam?



i dont think the shittes liked sadamm, and as far as the media, here it is plain in simple black and white, they write what sells, and nothing sells better then propaganda. And as a given rule the media is liberal.
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First off, did we provide Iraq with something that its people wanted, or did we provide it with what we would have wanted. It's an important question involving morals.


Secondly, for those who think Clinton did nothing in the middle east during his regime, go back and read some newspapers from the era. I know for a fact that he sent people over to shoot people and break stuff, because I was one of the people he sent. We went over to blow up Saddam when he wasn't being cooperative about inspections. We attempted to blow up Bin Laden, but he wasn't home. Just a couple of examples, there are more if you look for them.


Also, we did not go over to Iraq to remove Saddam from power because we are good people and the Iraqis deserve it. We went over for other political reasons, mostly to benefit ourselves.


I think the main question we need to ask, is "Why are the kooky arabs trying to kill us in the first place? Anyone know the answer? I do. Post here if you can venture to take a guess. There is a simple solution.

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Guest stvbreal
Fighting and killing hs been going on for over a thousand years there. Way before the United States was founded, way before G. W. Bush and there isn't a damn thing he's gonna be able to do about it.
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Originally posted by Mensan:

First off, did we provide Iraq with something that its people wanted, or did we provide it with what we would have wanted. It's an important question involving morals.

considering 60% of the iraqi population was shitte, and they wanted us to help them throw out saddam in desert storm, my guess would be yes.


Secondly, for those who think Clinton did nothing in the middle east during his regime, go back and read some newspapers from the era. I know for a fact that he sent people over to shoot people and break stuff, because I was one of the people he sent. We went over to blow up Saddam when he wasn't being cooperative about inspections. We attempted to blow up Bin Laden, but he wasn't home. Just a couple of examples, there are more if you look for them.


I'm sorry, your right, clinton bombed an asprin factory and launched a couple cruise missles, yeay.



Also, we did not go over to Iraq to remove Saddam from power because we are good people and the Iraqis deserve it. We went over for other political reasons, mostly to benefit ourselves.

if You mean the political reason of beginning to change the middle east so that it isn't a breeding ground for terrorists that want to kill anyone who doesn't believe in thier twisted view of thier religon. i agree.


hell no, that we are there is to help iraqi's is not the reason. But but a good side effect, we are there to plant democracy and freedom in the middle of the middle east. Because, freedom is like a virus, once people see that others have it and they don't, they fight like hell to get it. Iran is already getting unstable.


Free countries don't support terrorists. if we don't take care of the problem now it will be at our front door later on.

Winston churchill warned that hiltler needed to be thrown out of power years head of time, and everyone thought he was nuts, untill he had half of europe.

Will we wait untill a couple baseball staduims are leveled to the ground or another 9/11 type event untill we do something? we tried tht before.


I think the main question we need to ask, is "Why are the kooky arabs trying to kill us in the first place? Anyone know the answer? I do. Post here if you can venture to take a guess. There is a simple solution.

take your pick:

-they are the KKK on crack and hate everyone but thier own and the rest are infedels.

-they think they can get away with it. they learned fomr viet nam and korea that America is weak and will reteat with enough bloodshed, and they don't have the resolve to finish the job.

-they see that in the past we didn't give a shit about them as a people as long as we had oil coming in.

-because we left them high and dry after gulf war 1.

-because they hate jews/israel and as thier ally we are in the way of them taking israel out.

-or that the U.S. put saddam in power inthe firstplace.


there isn't one magic answer. different portions of the population that isn't for the U.S. dispise us for different reasons.


does anyone think a terrorist wants bush in office for 4 more years? hell no.

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