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FISH TANK -algae

RUTAN TA1647545492

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Guest infamous me 235
Originally posted by Super J:

+1 on an algea eater, they work like a charm

+1. mine grew to about a foot and worked like a charm like he said. then it died and clogged our toilet.


i'd get 2 if it's as bad as it sounds. not very expensive either

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Guest crankwalk
another thing to think about is placement of your tank -- sunlight makes algea grow very very fast -- if it is near a window or anything that lets sun shine directly on the tank, move it and the algea wont grow as fast
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Originally posted by RUTAN TA:

I have a 10 gallon tank with 8 beta's, 2 frogs no matter how many times I clean the tank in a couple of days algae starts growing. anyone have any ideas?

It's your lighting. I deal with it in my 180g.
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since its a 10 gallon tank, dont have a light on it at out or near sunlight! remember animals do best in there natural habitat and its dark where they are from. they dont need light. since you have alot going on in there you need to clean it every 5 days. only do a half water change and stir the gravel a little bit.
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I've got Otocincluses in all of my tanks, they do a HELL of a job eating algae. They are kinda small, so I don't know how they will do in a tank with Betta's though.

Avoid the "Chinese" algae eaters, they can get BIG, and once they hit about 4-5 inches they start eating other fish! Look for the Siamese algae eater instead.

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