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living with girlfriend=bad


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well my girlfriend and i broke up and we were living together and today i come home from work and find literally everything gone my bed my couches my tv everything now we both paid for half of everything so it kind of makes it a bitch but is there anything i can do i just want a bed to sleep in...........
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Guest crankwalk
if u still have the recipts and she doesnt -- file a police report -- because if u have them, u can prove that the stuff is "yours" and she stole the shit -- but if not, there aint shit u can do my man -- sorry, situations like this remind me why i dont live w/ my g/f -- good luck tho
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take it to small claims court and file against her the burden of proof is less.

i could be wrong in your area but most state and county law enforcement will not file on stolen items if you lived together due to its a civil matter as to who payed for what and owns what.


just my .02 worth

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Guest lustful

i guess you need to think of how much is gone?? i mean is it worth the hassle of court costs etc.. or not?


or just PIITB and teach her a lesson like someone else said


hire someone else to steal it back.. awesome

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Guest Dark_Viper01
If you lived together for 6 months or more, everything is legaly split 50/50 no matter who payed for it. applys to any situation, roomates, girlfriends, and as I understand even if you live with your parrents for more than 6 months after you turn 18 you can take a percent of thier stuff.
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Originally posted by Dark_Viper01:

If you lived together for 6 months or more, everything is legaly split 50/50 no matter who payed for it. applys to any situation, roomates, girlfriends, and as I understand even if you live with your parrents for more than 6 months after you turn 18 you can take a percent of thier stuff.

sweet i'm going to take my dad's tools tonight :D
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Originally posted by Justin:

well my girlfriend and i broke up and we were living together and today i come home from work and find literally everything gone my bed my couches my tv everything now we both paid for half of everything so it kind of makes it a bitch but is there anything i can do i just want a bed to sleep in...........

Get a set and go get your sh!t back. Don't let her get away with it.
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Originally posted by Dark_Viper01:

If you lived together for 6 months or more, everything is legaly split 50/50 no matter who payed for it. applys to any situation, roomates, girlfriends, and as I understand even if you live with your parrents for more than 6 months after you turn 18 you can take a percent of thier stuff.

That is not true.
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Originally posted by 90 days same as cash:

Sleep with a good friend of hers...Trust me she will never forgive you for it and it will really piss her off.

+1. Didnt work for me cause my ex was a stone cold bitch who suddenly became ovssesed with a 27 y/o peruvian with a 5 year old kid who was only looking for an Fn greed card. The level in which she got played makes up for the dagger she plunged into my body.


Bitch is getting a divorce now that dude is naturalized. She got punked.


But it would probably work for most people.

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Originally posted by 90 days same as cash:

Sleep with a good friend of hers...Trust me she will never forgive you for it and it will really piss her off.

Sam...I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Good advice.
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