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6/15 Thought for the Day


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it has been a long time since i've posted a thought for the day, so here ya go. let me start off by saying i'm not racist. most of you know me, and know that i'm not racist. i hate everyone regardless of colour or background. i get called a cracker all the damn time. no biggie, i'm whiter then that bright white hp laser jet paper you can get at best buy. i don't tan, i'm used to it. so the other day i'm out at the garage and my buddy andy unbolts the hood of my truck. he accidently unbolts the wrong bolt and this big ass fucking hood comes crashing down on us. oops. i managed to catch it before it slammed down on my head. i yelled "fucking (insert racist obscenity here)". i'm not racist, but i yelled it. now, my black friends always call me cracker and whatever and i call them this racist obscenity. my question, or thought of the day if you will, is: do black people yell cracker or whitey or anything else like that when shit happens? just curious.
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My black friends, never say cracker. Not that it would bother me, I only have one other white friend and we'd agree my black friends pretend there racist against black people more then white people. Its pretty funny, but I never hear them make and cracker remarks especially not being serious about it because something bad happened.
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uh no. never even crosses my mind :| i guess since i am ethnic and aware of how shit is i don't think of responding in the same way shit was years ago only in reverse to perpetuate stupidity :|
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Originally posted by Veritas:

uh no. never even crosses my mind :| i guess since i am ethnic and aware of how shit is i don't think of responding in the same way shit was years ago only in reverse to perpetuate stupidity :|

have you listened to rap music? or how about anything from our current culture? i think black men call eachother the nbomb (as dj put it) more then white guys did fifty years ago. not trying to start a racial war or anything, just so you guys know. i'm really, trully curious. for instance, i can sit here and say chris green is a. now, everyone on here is going to say i'm racist and/or that they're offended by my speech. however, look up on dictionary.com and you'll find:


EDIT: Nothing. That word, no matter what context it's used in, is not tolerated on CR.




[ 15. June 2004, 05:32 PM: Message edited by: RAMD AIR ]

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"" is what black people call eachother. Now, not saying this means the same thing but even if it did. Maybe they just accepted the fact that racist people were going to use it as a diss towards them, so in return they started using it with eachother as in "Whats up my ." I ain't fin to say I know how it got like it is or what some people mean by it. But if you say it to a black person there will probably be a fight. Morale of the story=Don't say that word, its deemed racist by everyone therefore it is racist. If you said it, dont go around bragging about it on a message board and trying to make it sound ok that you did.


[ 15. June 2004, 05:33 PM: Message edited by: RAMD AIR ]

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