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Why do they call it "taking a dump" instead of "leaving a dump"


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Originally posted by 1QWKEVO:

why do you have braille in a DRIVE thru atm?

LOL. I've heard this one before (and it's still funny). And I realize this is all mostly rhetorical, but, I'm a dork, so I've actually thought about this on my own, so I'm going to respond. My guess is that they only make one kind of ATM faceplate - and all those have braille on them. Then, some are fitted on drive thrus, and some aren't.
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Ya know that little indestructible black box they have on an airplane? Why not make the entire goddamn plane out of the same shit?


How exactly does a hot water heater serve a purpose? There is no need to heat hot water.


Why do you need a driver's license to buy liquor when you can't drink and drive?


And finally...when you're slowly driving through a residential area looking for an address, why the FUCK do you turn the radio down?

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Originally posted by 1QWKEVO:

why do you have braille in a DRIVE thru atm?

Even worse, why is there braille on MOST ATMs when they do not have voice prompts? Do you really expect the guy to be able to guess which button means "No, I do not want another transaction." ?
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There was a comedian once who made references to things in supermarkets that you could take as being a racist.. for example... "Did you ever wonder why they put green olives are in a jar, while the BLACK olives are in a can!!!!" There were some others.. but I can't remember.. does anyone remember this??? It was funny as shit!!!
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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by The Pikey:

Why is the letter "W" called double U, when it looks like double V?





I've always laughed about that one because in Spanish, you say 'double-v'.
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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by Venomss:

Why do you park in a driveway and drive on a parkway?

PARKWAY: Dictionary Entry and Meaning


Definition: [n] a wide scenic road planted with trees


So a parkway is a road planted with trees to resemble a park-like setting.


You drive along the parkway to view the scenery.

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Guest doggunracing
Originally posted by Venomss:

Why are things taken by car called shipment and why are things taken by ship called cargo?

Taken from the Answerbag


Cargo is not related to the phrase "car - go!" but means instead something that is transported or carried (somehing in transit), wheras to "ship" something somewhere means to move it, and a ship (as in boat) is so named because it is good at this, therefore a shipment can travel by road, and a lorry can carry a cargo, in addition to the other way around.


In short, the terms were developed before they were applied to the methods of transport we now use them for.

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Guest doggunracing

Why is an alarm clock going "off" when it actually turns on?


If you mated a bull dog and a shitsu, would it be called a bullshit?


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Why is it called a "drive through" if you have to stop?


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Why is Greenland called green when it is covered in ice?

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