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Xbox questions


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is there an Xbox/halo2 bundle deal anywhere? i'm breaking down and buying one, just asking if anyone knew if there was a bundle available or if there is one in the near future.


also how good is the DVD player portion of an Xbox?

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there are no bundles at least non that i have seen. As far as the special edition is concerened once you get the game you wont have time to watch the dvd. But it is something cool to have and it is only 5 bucks more. My name on Xbox live is cabotsupratt hope to see you on there soon.
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Guest Spyder550
Originally posted by Blowzilla:

Tons of xbox bundles on ebay.. The dvd player is ok but you have to buy the DVD remote unless you mod it.

Yep. DVD guy to plug into controller port and remote control cost $29.99. Already had Xbox, but no available DVD player. I consider it a good deal.
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Originally posted by RX7dood:

my question was more geared to how good is the movie playback on the Xbox

Looks good to me. It's the only DVD player I've ever owned, aside from my computer. If you want to check out the quality, stop on by some time with a DVD of your choice.
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Guest hugeburnsbruck
You need to mod your xbox. I payed 89.99 for a 160 gig harddrive and had my friend do it for me, and now i can save about 80 games on it, including save files from all the games. The only problem is if you want to play x box live you need to pay like 50 bucks for a mod chip instead of just sodering the mother board. I recomend you google about this if your interested, but i can garentee(sp) it is worth evey penny you pay considering al you have to do to gat a new game is pay 3 bucks at block buster to rent it for a day, or have a friend bring it over some time. It only takes like 15 minutes to copy a game too.
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