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Work from home?


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I thought most of those were scams. There were tons of those signs all over Otterbein but I never picked one up. I have a friend whos doing one of those work from home type deals and drew and I think its a pyramid thingy, so be careful because the people totally convinced our friend that its not and we can't get him to believe us.
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Some pyramids are legit. The only thing is that you'll have to gather your own customer base or recruit your own team. Which you'll have to bother people either way. She'd rather not have to do that.


All companies are pyramids including our government. Difference between legal and illegal is on how it's run and how people earn the money while being in.

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I work from home sometimes. As a software engineer with the ability to VPN into work, I can do everything at home than I can from my office. It's give and take though. I enjoy working from home, but if my wife is home as well, I usually don't get as much done as I would at the office... ;)
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Guest Harris92
My friend tried a company called Quixtar, which is just a branch of a company called Amway, which is probably one of the largest pyramid schemes known to man, bringing in millions and millions if not billions of dollars. Amway got popped by the govern ment for an illegal pyramid scheme, and Quixtar is currently under investigation by the FBI for an illegal pyramid scheme as well. This is what my friend was doing, and I researched and found this info for him. Anyone considering Amway or Quixtar, turn away or get out now. People have lost thousands and gone bankrupt over this company.
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Pyramid Schemes and Multilevels are completely different.


In a Pyramid Scheme usually it starts with you having to pay a large sum of money to "start". This money goes to the person that "hired" you in and so on up the chain. You make money by getting more people to pay the fee and "join" the company. It goes on and on. Anyplace that has a large minimum purchase/initial stock to start is probably a pyramid scheme.


My wife works with a multi-level on the side. She works with Stampin up. She had to buy a small starter kit of information etc... it cost $200. She then throws little parties and teaches people about stamping (woman thing but whatever). They buy the stamps off of here. She doesn't have to have them in stock, she buys them on demand and has them shipped. She has a minimum quarterly sales goal, but it is really small and she meets it on each party so it is no biggie.


What she sells, her upline gets a piece of, and she gets some too.

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I have nothing against MLM's they're good for some people. Sales is the key there. Quixtar/Amway is not a "scheme" since the person who signs you up don't get any money untill they teach you to market the products. They were in truble before because some of the people weren't following the rules. Some were over charging startup costs. Some even get you signed up and instead of turning the registration money in they'd keep it then disapear. But now you can register online so there would be no question about it. However, not everyone knows that so they can still be scammed buy those bad apples.


Akula, what's stamping?

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I saw the vid. But that doesn't consititue as a scam to me. I am signed up with quixtar. But I don't go out recruiting people because I'm not into that. I pay the anual fee of $35 and pay distributer pricing on products we use for the house. We like the products and the prices are good.


Any way, you can make money from it but maybe not as much as the top dogs. If you see the buisness model and the numbers you know that the numbers don't lie. You just have to put the work into it.


We don't buy the tapes, vids or books. If we want to look at something we borrow it from our up line. It's not a big deal. We've never been to a conference either.


Generally people are not realistic and they will believe anything. If you get in and you go into debt because you pay for all the materials that is "optional" then you're retarded. If something is too good to be true then it probably is. I was a skeptic because of that so I didn't buy into the "dream" but I still looked at the numbers. I know I can make money from it if I were into direct marketing and liked to talk to strangers constantly.


There's always the other side of the story. I know they've left out things but whatever, it's just another bias news story, nothing new.

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Guest Harris92
Im not going to disagree that news can definetly be biased, as this one is against amway/quixtar, my only point is to be careful. Yes people have made money off of it, just not necessarily the amount amway/quixtar claims. It appears that you are very careful about the way you go about it which is defenitly the way to go. Not buying the "optional" products is very smart as well. I just wanted to forewarn everyone to be careful. That is all. graemlins/thumb.gif
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I think you are very smart in how you are going about it so you are making money, but it seems that a lot of people fall for buying all of the other items and end up loosing money instead, you should make a book about how to make money from them and not loose it. Then sell the book to the people in it and make lots of money! :D
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Originally posted by pgsrt-4:

I think you are very smart in how you are going about it so you are making money, but it seems that a lot of people fall for buying all of the other items and end up loosing money instead, you should make a book about how to make money from them and not loose it. Then sell the book to the people in it and make lots of money! :D

Hahaha yeah, but it won't sale. I think I'd only have like one page or something in that book. Maybe just one line. Goes something like... don't be retarded.


But really, it's sad that the company itself has a bad rep since day one due to some distributers. There's always bad people in any group. We've had our share on CR. Also sad for the consumers who got under bad distributers.


On that vid the guy left his job because he made 34k/year from quixtar... common now... who in their right mind would do that? People are retarded.

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This is true, maybe you could make a brochure and sell that to people, or lessons in not being retarded, I'm sure you could get some people with lectures on that topic because there are a lot of dumb people in the world, you could do different topics like not driving like a retard and how not to get scammed and get a following of people, it could turn into your own little cult like following where people consult you before making decisions on things to ensure that they are not being retarded. :D
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Akula:

Pyramid Schemes and Multilevels are completely different.


In a Pyramid Scheme usually it starts with you having to pay a large sum of money to "start". This money goes to the person that "hired" you in and so on up the chain. You make money by getting more people to pay the fee and "join" the company. It goes on and on. Anyplace that has a large minimum purchase/initial stock to start is probably a pyramid scheme.


My wife works with a multi-level on the side. She works with Stampin up. She had to buy a small starter kit of information etc... it cost $200. She then throws little parties and teaches people about stamping (woman thing but whatever). They buy the stamps off of here. She doesn't have to have them in stock, she buys them on demand and has them shipped. She has a minimum quarterly sales goal, but it is really small and she meets it on each party so it is no biggie.


What she sells, her upline gets a piece of, and she gets some too.

<font color ="midnightblue"> What your wife does sounds similar to what I'm doing. As I posted a few months ago, I started working for Ameriplan USA, which, as far as I can tell, is a pyramid corporation. They're grossing about $100 mil a year, and I'm still making money off of it, so I can't really complain, but I'm still sketchy on how it really works, which makes me uneasy.
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My step mom does the quixtar stuff and has tried to get me and my g/f into it but I just won't do it. I don't like talking to people or recruiting people so it wouldn't work for me at all.


I think it is a scam as well but she doesn't believe that, she has been to conferences also.


Alex why not dictating for doctors that pays well?

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Guest Harris92
Originally posted by Mr. 2:

Yeah, then I can start a self help thing. With videos and seminars. That would be some $$$ right there. :D

Sounds like your own little Quixtar type deal. Except you would be hurting them by selling products that promote not being retarded which is what they make their money from. graemlins/lol.gif
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