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CR is upgrading, donations needed!


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Members of CR, it is that time.


For several years, CR has been run with Ultimate Bulletin Board (UBB) software and it's done a fine job. However, the code it uses is very archaic and right now the board has 37 hacks implemented by me to make it as functional as it sits now (IMs, quick reply, Global Mods, etc).


UBB has become a hindrance to a point, especially since they have not released their new SQL version UBB earlier this year as expected. This being said, I think CR deserves a better messageboard program that allows for quite a few more options, that will run faster, and that will be increasingly efficient for the server and the members.


I plan on upgrading to V Bulletin software. Most of the bigger internet forums utilize this software and I'm very impressed with it. It not only allows hidden forums and tons more options, it introduces a database type format for files so the server will process quicker and ultimately load quicker for us.




What I'm asking from CR members is donations amounting to the total of $190. This is to cover the initial $160 license for Vbb and one year thereafter of free upgrades ($30 extra).


As most of you know, CR has always been a free enterprise. Everything you see here and enjoy was done by thousands of hours of voluntary time put in by myself, my brother Chris, and all of the Admins/Mods, both past and present. I pay for the domain name every year. The vendor advertising is free to the business as long as they provide a discount to CR members. I nor CR makes any money from them.


Everything you see is free and I'd like to keep it that way.


That being said, this is the reason I ask for donations. To keep CR running strong and bring you what I can, I ask you take a few dollars and donate via Paypal. The link will be added to the top of the main forums page. Once we get to $190, I'll remove the link and purchase the software.


After that, it's a matter of weeks while I plan the conversion and take a day to get everything in line and functional.


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to post here or PM me.


CR has become a great place for the automotive community and a great place to meet friends. Thanks to everyone here for making it what it is.



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