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Well I am bored as shit, and have just been pondering.


I Just transfered to Ohio University from CSCC, I will start there in the fall. I have one quarter to declair a major or else fall quarter will be my only quarter there haha. My goals are not to high, (by general comparison to other collewge students) I want to own my own Snowboard/Skateboard/Whatever shop.


Now for you self employed people out there, would a buisness major be nessisary, or would having a great understanding of the products and the "sceene" be enough to manage a business, or would a buisness degree be a must. I realy would like to avoid taking buisness as a major because I HATE math with a passion. (dispite my sucess in it this year)


Also, has anyone on here majored in Sociology? I find it and Psychology very interesting and easy to keep my atention, (taken just the 101/intro classes) If you did how did you like it?

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I decided to go with a small business marketing degree as it requires most of the same classes for the business degree but with half of the required math classes. I have found high school math is fine for most small business uses and I don't mind math as much when the math is dealing in my money :D
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acounting classes. gota know how to run a ledger, some classes on tax law would be good to unless you wana pay h&r block to do em for ya.

a little marketing would be good to.

talk to an advisor, see what mojor all of these classes are in

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Guest apotusoa
The business classes are a must if you intend to be very successful at it. Depending on how modest your goals are you could get away with some kind of goofy degree and still be fine. But if you want to be more than a hole-in-the-wall shop, you are going to have to get a good handle on accounting, inventories, tax law, marketing, etc. In short, go business.
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I'd highly suggest against a business degree.


I knew this kid in college who was charismatic enough to manage people and get a job, so that wasn't the problem. He was VERY smart. They give away one "Presidential" scholarship per year to a male and a female in each college where I went. He got the one my freshman year for the business college. Had pretty much straight A's all through college. Someone saw him about a year after we got out of college. He was waiting on them at a restaurant.


One of the managers at the Max & Ermas I worked at during a summer in college had a business degree, he wasn't getting paid that well.


My point is, it's hard to apply and if you do get a job in it, you might not get paid very well. You have to assume that you will probably be doing whatever you major in for at least a few years while you save up seed money and/or are getting the business off the ground and profitable.


I'd suggest finding something else you like and could enjoy doing for at least a few years while you save up seed money to start your business. Think about what happens if you end up doing this for the rest of your life or even 'just' 10 years while you’re starting your business, it could happen. Take some appropriate business classes while you’re in college. I'm not sure what would be good to take, but it sounds like some people already have good suggestions. Go get your MBA at night after you finish your undergrad. You'll learn as much if not more about business as you would have in a business degree, and it will only take a short amount of time and a little amount of money compared to an undergrad degree. I think there are some schools around here where you can get it in 12 months going nights and weekends.


Sociology and Psychology are two majors that are very hard to do anything with just an undergrad, don't usually pay well to boot. Something to think about. If you are really interested in these take a few classes, maybe add a minor down the road or even a second degree. My last boss took a few psychology classes in college and read quite a bit about it. He felt that it helped him manage people better.

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I'd stay away from Sociology and Pschyology, unless you plan to go all the way, meaning getting a Doctorate. My brother went to school for Pschyology and got his Bachelor's, because he thought it was "cool and interesting". Bad move. He's now a glorified social worker and hates his job. 4 - 5 years out of college, he's making barely $18 an hour and in California. Fuck that.


If I was in college right now trying to figure out what I wanted to do, I'd seriously look at the medical field. And I don't mean being a doctor, I mean radiation technology and even nursing. I work for a medical management company and all we do is hire nurses. We have a standing order to hire any and all Case Management nurses. This field is so depleted. They make good money, too. The Baby Boomers run the economy and they are starting to hit that magical retirement age and need lots of medical care. The medical field is really hot right now and will never go away.


I think your job and career is a happy medium. You have to find something you enjoy doing, but also make enough money so you live the kind of life you want. I can think of many other jobs I'd rather do than design and write software systems, but would they pay me anywhere near what I make right now? Not likely. Finding that happy medium isn't an easy thing to do. Even in college. Good luck with your decision... smile.gif

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Whether you are going to work for someone else or work for yourself you should understand the basics of a business. If you work for someone else and have a business degree they will know you understand the impact of your job. If you work for yourself you will understand how your decisions will have a follow on effect. Go read about people that have started their own business and figure out if you know what you need to know, Dave Thomas, Dean Kamen, Bill Gates (he sucks but he built an empire) these guys put their own thing together and made it stick.
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College is overrated.


Go in the military, get some REAL experience, and allow them to pay for your college once you get out. I did four years and have 67 credit hours towards a degree in Computer Science, never been to college. Then they pay you to finish it up.


I'm where I'm at now because of military experience, not because of some overpriced piece of paper with my name on it.


Seriously, military experience will get your foot in the door and give you a standing advantage over every other swingin' dick out of college just like you looking for a job.

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Originally posted by Aggressor:

Seriously, military experience will get your foot in the door and give you a standing advantage over every other swingin' dick out of college just like you looking for a job.

Anthony's right, to a point. Just make sure you pick something that will get you a good job or experience in a good field when you get out. Meaning, don't pick infantry in the Army or a similar non-civilian type job. graemlins/nod.gif


Wease <-- Ex Air Force guy who owes his career and salary to those 4 years he put in, all the while making shit for money... :D

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a business degree is not necessary for a self-employed individual, and you will find out most of the classes you will take are absolutely pointless and pathetic. but there are several things like acounting, financing, and marketing which are very useful.


you need to ask yourself if it worth sticking with it, you don't need it for your goal, but if your business goes under, it's something you can fall back on.

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I am not looking to be a ritch guy, or even well off as bad as that sounds. I just want to do somthing I like, which is snowboarding. To tell you the truth, I could be a ski bum the rest of my life and I would be satisfied because I am up at 8am catchin the first chair of the day.


I am going to look into some marketing and financial classes, thanks for the tips. But I do not think im going to major in buisness, as I don't want to work at some office cubical... ever.


20k a year and the ability to snowboard whenever I want would be great.

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Wease is right about the medical field, i'm at cscc right now getting my classes under me for my RN. The thing is, look at an industry that's NEVER going to go away. Will people ever stop getting sick? No. Will we always need doctors/nurses etc to work on us when we have accidents/get old/dying/give birth? Yes.


Above all though, it's your dime right now so take your time in looking at the advantages of going into what you're wanting to go into. Don't sell yourself short.

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I do not plan on being in college for more than a total of four years, so therefor I would not go all the way to PHD / Dr. with a Soc or Psyc major. Somthing to get me a simple job out of school, to save up move west and start my Snowboard/skateshop.
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Um, did you overlook a technology degree? It sounds general, but you learn some really good skills and your elective classes could be business and marketing-oriented.


Then you could get an MBA later on if you wanted. A tech degree would bypass the math and physics you dislike and teach you how to make things (maybe good skills for owning your own shop too). It's easy to find jobs with a tech degree as well, very versatile.


I'm gonna get my BS in mechanical engineering next spring, and there is a very good chance I'll be going to OSU for an MBA that fall. (#21 business grad school in the nation)

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