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90mph + throat + random bug = pain


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I hit a giant bumble bee in my throat, right below the helmet and above the jacket. I was going about 80 so I feel your pain. I've also hit a bird in my left arm at about 75-80 but that amazingly wasn't so bad, I think the bird must have been going the same direction I was

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me and gruff were flying back to ctown doing like 95 through the turns on 541 when he launched a rock off his tire caught me in the arm.


dont look so bad but damn it hurts.

atleast it wasnt my eye again like the last time.

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thats the worst feeling when you are riding just after you take off and you see something out of the corner of your eye and its like a wasp or bee walking around in your helmet

I learned real quick to "bring your helmet in the house" and DON'T leave it in the garage! My wife and I hopped on the scoot for a ride early one evening, got about a 1/2 mile down the road and I hadda pull over cause something was ticklin my left ear, pulled over, took off the helmet and there was biggest damn wolf spider I ever saw INSIDE my left ear cup! If I hadn't stopped and that son-of-a-bitch had decided to bite me or try and crawl in my ear we could have had one hell of an accident!! Take the helmet in the house!!!!!!!!!!!

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The wife and I went to the inlaws (couple miles away) W/O helmets. I saw a carpenter bee coming right at me. Now since the wife was on the back i thought the most loving thing to to show her why we wear helmets is to dodge the bee. Smacked her right in the forehead at about 45 MPH. I laughed but she failed to see the HUMOR. Lessoned learned she said.

See guys its all about sacrifice's we do to make them see the humor in life. I do what I can..

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The wife and I went to the inlaws (couple miles away) W/O helmets. I saw a carpenter bee coming right at me. Now since the wife was on the back i thought the most loving thing to to show her why we wear helmets is to dodge the bee. Smacked her right in the forehead at about 45 MPH. I laughed but she failed to see the HUMOR. Lessoned learned she said.

See guys its all about sacrifice's we do to make them see the humor in life. I do what I can..

HAHAHAHAHAHAA sorry man... I didn't mean to laugh. :)

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...I saw a carpenter bee coming right at me. Now since the wife was on the back i thought the most loving thing to to show her why we wear helmets is to dodge the bee. Smacked her right in the forehead at about 45 MPH.

Its amazing that you can actually see a bug comin at you ain't it. If you told someone that and they had never ridden they probably wouldn't believe you, its weird, I've swerved to miss a big incoming bug before :)

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I got stung by a bee on the leg yesterday, just above the knee, It musta stung thru my pants because I doubt it could have crawled clear up my jeans......I'm semi-alergic to bee stings and was going down the road slapping my leg hard as I could......feels like someones stuck a needle into me for about a hour then they itch like none other.....still itches.

how do all those harley riders go around with just glasses? even at 50mph those bugs are still a b!tch......makes you appreciate your helmet when they splatter :lol:

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I got stung by a bee on the leg yesterday, just above the knee, It musta stung thru my pants because I doubt it could have crawled clear up my jeans......I'm semi-alergic to bee stings and was going down the road slapping my leg hard as I could......feels like someones stuck a needle into me for about a hour then they itch like none other.....still itches.

how do all those harley riders go around with just glasses? even at 50mph those bugs are still a b!tch......makes you appreciate your helmet when they splatter :lol:

Even the bugs are smart enough to avoid Harleys.

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