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Can nukes from Iran or Korea reach the US?


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Wow, all this bantering back n' forth? Appears we've left the original question? The question (i believe) was what about N Korea or Iran & nukes against us? Scary thought, but I'm not concerned cause I don't think they can get to us that way. What scares me? They'll get to us in other ways??? Like nuking Israel or another one of our allies, baby thats a good way to piss us off again!! Then it gets scary for sure. Nows a good time for us to make the best & strongest ties with China that we can. China could squash N Korea like a baad cold. I don't want to see the U S in a situation like this ALONE ie like the United Nations dealt us on this Iraq fiasco. If anyone wants to start launching nukes & if the powers of the U S, Gr Britain, China, Russia are on same side, I say good luck to the idiots that want to play that card, cause they'll lose & they'll lose RIGHT NOW. But again if we're alone, that is a severe problem. Someone in earlier thread touched on history repeating itself? Well we are in trouble defending against this alone, in history every power that ended up alone - lost! ie Spain, England, Napolean, Russia, Hitler, Vikings, Prussia, Roman Empire,list goes on & on. Also our country needs to STOP attempting to police the globe. We got to look out for ourselves. Friends will stab you ie France for example. Thats it, off my tangent, my two cents -
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Originally posted by d3caps:


in response to your "questions"


2. In reference to the "non-payment." You offered to do the work for free as a friendly gesture for a fellow forum member. Had you mentioned that you wanted a "cash payment" something would have been worked out. Now, as a friendly gesture in return, you were offered a case of your favorite beer for helping out. You declined, stating that you would rather have a case of Coke instead. Then after the work was performed, you inquired about audio equipment, and implied that we should give you a few amplifiers and 6.5" speakers. And who said no one had money to pay you? You never asked for payment in any form, and never mentioned the word "money" even in passing. Wow, the "conservative media" has obviously taught you how to present as little information as possible in order to invoke a response in your favor... Wow, its funny how there are always two sides to a story, ain't it?


I realize that I should have just PMed him but I wanted to do this publicly, so everyone know I was being a dick and the guy wasn't really trying to fuck me.


As far as the payment thing, your right I never DID indicate how I wanted paid, I just asssumed that You wouls ask, my mistake. As far as the comments I made, they were unwarrented and uncalled for. I am sorry.


Now as far as the nukes thing. China does, for sure have that ability, by rocket. Hell they have a bit of a space program. Now, Iran, Pakistan, and North Korea, I would seriously doubt that any of them have a missle that will do it. That's really not the point, and hem having nukes isn't really the point either, as far as the USA not wanting them to have them. The point is who will they be willing to sell them to. North Korea, Iran and Pakistan are not stupids enough to launch a nuke at us even if they could hit us. Reason is that they know we will be able to tell where it came from before it gets here. More over we will no doubt shoot it down and it would never actually reach our shores as a nuke. But in retaliation, we WOULD launch one back, and possibly several. Ours WOULD hit the target and there would be nothing of them left. So we should not be worried about a government, even as fucked up as any of the three I mentioned doing it. It's the idea that nukes are not a car bomb, or a shoulder fired missle, they are comples devices that require constant maintence to work properly. And the upkeep they require alone would bankrupt most terrorists, let alone actually designing and building one. But terrorists are MORE than willing to buy a working weapon to use against the USA. This is why we need to be concerned with how has them. Because of the three countries I mentioned, only Pakistan would think twice about sellinga nuke to terrorists, the other two would do it in a heartbeat. And it would get brought into this country and detonated. That is why we need to be concerned, and it that manner of being about to get it here. ANYONE with the motivation to set off a nuke in this country is more than able to do it, even though they can't send it in via a missle, doesn't mean that we have no cause for alarm.


[ 20. February 2005, 01:19 AM: Message edited by: desperado ]

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you WERE asked beforehand what acceptable payment would be. when you did not respond, you were offered a case of beer. you said you would rather have coke than beer. we were wrong in assuming that you were doing the work in order to help out a fellow forum member.


dont worry about the comments, it happens.

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