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Engineering schools

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thinking of making some changes in my life and one of them involves my going away to school full time

so Im looking for well know colleges with decent engineering programs.

Im fet up with UD so im transfering.

looking for something not to far away, and preferable one with mechanical engineering technolgy

im currently thinking about purdue, but would like other options.

not realy interested in wrightstate as its to close

not to sure on OSU dont like the crappy campus, but like the colubus area.


anyone got any sugestions

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Guest crankwalk
i hear university of cincinnati has a good engineering program -- might wanna try them out -- dunno how campus livin is but i would rather live off campus, maybe around norwood, its really nice and its about a 10 minute drive to campus in the morning
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ONU, that's where I graduated. I feel that I received a very good education from there, even now that I've been out working for 6+months. They have an excellent engineering program, facilities and staff. But it's expensive and I can only imagine that you’re going to be paying for school on your own. It's different when your right out of school, they do very good for financial aid. But it probably wouldn't hurt to try.


As far as any engineering or techonolgy programs that could be worth very much in Columbus, other than OSU I wouldn't suggest any. And I can totally understand not wanting to go to OSU. As much of a fan as I am of the college there were alot of reasons I chose not to go there.


They have a 'technology' program that might be right up your alley. But neither I, nor very many people on campus, were ever very impressed with it. I think that was mainly because it was known as what the 'big dumb football players' did for college. The program seemed like it should have been decent though. I suggest this only because it seems like your not wanting the traditional mech. engr. program from you 'technology' attachment onto the end of your request.

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I;m in OSU right now about 3 quarters from graduating as a mechanical engineer, if you have any questions let me know. or email my advisor, she is great (meadvisor@osu.edu).


i love OSU, and i wan't fond of the campus but i really like it now, i'm glad i came here. granted they twisted my arm a little bit when i got a full ride. but still i realized after being here for a while that the Engineering here is actually really good.

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Originally posted by smokinHawk:

and not miami i cant stand the stuck up beoches and preppy abercromie kids there.

As far as I know Miami doesn't have an engineering program (or at least it didn't when I was looking at colleges 4 years ago)..


I've always been a fan of OSU myself, but then again I've never really disliked the campus either (it really does grows on you, my old roomates who hated this place freshman year couldn't imagine going anywhere else now).. I actually switched out of ME to WE and have never looked back since, but the ME program here is great.. I'm sure Alex and Brett will give their input soon enough. Your best bet would be to talk to the advisors from any school you are considering and get as much information about the program itself as you can.

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I go to Kettering University www.kettering.edu




Case Western Reserve


All are great engineering schools in my opinion. Kettering and Cincinatti have extensive co-op programs which is a huge plus in my book. The other schools let you co-op for a term or two, but it sets your graduation back.


Akron University also has a descent engineering program.

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Yeah, OSU is bar far the best for your money in this area. Purdue and Michigan are both very good, but will cost you a shitload more out of state. Purdue was 23k like 5 years ago, I can't imagine what it is now. OSU offered to pick up my tab, so it was a no brainer.


OSU ME is usually ranked 15th or higher if you do the research. Not bad for the price!


Please don't to to UC ;)

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Guest lustful
seriously osu is very good for the money... not bad at all. however.. i geuss it depends on what type of engineering you are going into... the material science is supposed to be really really good here at osu... others aren't bad.
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Guest JCulls
I'm just starting in ME at OSU...I'm in my third quarter now and obviously i havent really gotten into it very much but i love it so far!! My sis is graduating in the winter (she's ME as well) and she has taken all of her engineering here and loves it!!! the campus is fine! i duno why u think its gross?!?!
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Never said OSU wasn't a good school, I believe it is. It is also a very good value. I just couldn't go to a big school. I knew every one of my teachers before the end of my freshman year including ones I hadn't even had yet. By my Junior and Senior year I had all most, if not all of my EE teachers home numbers that I could call whenever I needed anything (within reason not waking them/their kids up). For my senior project I had 5 other people in my group and 1 teacher was assigned to us and only us. You can't buy that if it's important to you.


There was only 1 non-traditional student in the whole engineering school as far as I knew and not very many people knew that he was. I would think OSU might be a far better choice for someone who is a non-traditional student and it would be great because you wouldn't have to move (assuming you live in Columbus).

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