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Sin City > Movies in 2005

Guest DagoRcR

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There have been a few posts that degenerated into 'the worst movie ever' post. I'll say then just like I've said all of the other times, it's pretty obvious none of you have seen The Bridges of Madison County. It is by far the worst movie I’ve ever seen. That piece of trash about John Malkovich is up there too.
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> I thought it was awesome. I'm not sure why, either. Possibly I just enjoyed seeing people get blown up; possibly because of all the stereotypical characters and archetypes that everyone portrayed; possibly because of how extreme the badassedness was in the badass characters; or, quite probably, I just liked it because it was so completely, blatantly, and unabashedly non-politically correct. It was refreshing to for once see women who relied on the men, and who need them to take care of them, etc. etc., instead of this modern day bullshit like G.I. Jane. THAT was the worst movie ever (along with "The Goonies").


Most of my friends who have seen it don't really have an opinion on it one way or the other. But my friend's girlfriend got up and walked out on it when we went to see it because she's a feminazi and couldn't take all the women bashing. Granted, it's not 'right', but come on! It's a movie!

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Originally posted by Ricochet:


I saw it in theaters like 8 years ago when it came out, and people were walking out left and right.. especially when the guy started fucking that mutant chick who had the vagina on her leg graemlins/lol.gif

BWAHAHA! But did you stay through the whole thing??? You have a far more resilent psyche than I do, then.
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Originally posted by Ricochet:


I saw it in theaters like 8 years ago when it came out, and people were walking out left and right.. especially when the guy started fucking that mutant chick who had the vagina on her leg graemlins/lol.gif

vagina on her leg? graemlins/eek2.gif
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I think the worst movie in the history of movies has to be either Psycho IV (Anthony Perkins was still in this one) or Children of the Living Dead. Neither of these movies made any sense, whether it be in the plot or the motive behind producing either.


Seeing Sin City in black and white reminded me how much I loved Clerks. Who would've thought a movie so amazing could be made with just $40,000

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None of you have apparantly seen White Boys or The Pledge. The only way White Boys could possibly be half-way decent is if you were stoned out of your mind (which I wasn't so it was ungodly stupid), and The Pledge is by FAR THE SINGLE WORST MOVIE IN HISTORY. If you haven't seen it, you haven't seen horrible. And Jack Nicholson was even in it. If he can't save a movie...I mean goddamn.
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

folkvang is now gay because he doesn't like goonies


i mean come on, how can you not like the goonies


<font color ="midnightblue"> Come on! You know it was ridiculous! The only people I know who say they 'like' it are people who grew up with it and haven't seen it since they were kids. Granted, I haven't seen since I was a kid, either, but nonetheless....horrible movie tongue.gif


next you're gonna say you liked "Time Bandits"...

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Sin City > Movies in 2005
until hitchikers guide comes out :D


I think the worst movie in the history of movies has to be either Psycho IV (Anthony Perkins was still in this one) or Children of the Living Dead. Neither of these movies made any sense, whether it be in the plot or the motive behind producing either.

Plan 9 From Outer Space is officially the worst movie ever made. its so bad its kinda good though. so much shit is wrong with that movie...


day changes to night and back to day many times in the same scene, you can tell that two different areas (the spaceship and the airplane) are obviously the same set, clearly visible crew multiple times etc etc etc.


also bela lugosi died in the middle of making this movie, and they replaced him with a guy who looks NOTHING like him.


this movie basically looks like it was made on a 30 dollar budget. plus the plot is very thin. :D

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Car Enthusiast:

no garrett, it is badass period, sloth should whip your ass for talking about him like that

<font color ="midnightblue"> I maintain that goonies was a horrible movie, and that you are preposterously supporting it for the reason that it's flaws are merely endearing in their patheticness, and that by doing so, supporting the horrible becomes popular, NOT because it is a good movie. And I further submit that no, I do not think that Sloth would, in fact, whip my ass, as I doubt he has enough mobility left in him from his last sixteen years being dead from heart failure, presumably resulting from all the cholesterol he consumed from potatoe chips he ate while sitting on the couch watching TV because he had no money as a result of that movie's fiscal shortcomings. But, as usual, I still seem to be the only one who doesn't like it, so I say 'meh' to you.



On a side note, I just did a search for 'worst movie ever' and came up with a pretty good list, then mixed it with some of my own. Check it:


The Never Ending Story (all of them)



Freddy Got Fingered

Street Fighter II


Super Mario Bros

Open Water


Star Wars: Episode I (possibly II and III as well)



Starship Troopers 2





Love Actually

The Peanut Butter Solution

The Sandlot (I don't care what anyone says, it's a stupid movie)

Thelma and Louise

Mean Girls (except that Lohan is sooooo boneable)

Pearl Harbor (for the sheer amount of historical innacuracies)

House of 1,000 Corpses

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

And the two spin off Star Wars ewok adventures

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Are you kidding me? You dont like The Sandlot or the Goonies?? graemlins/nonono.gif


Oh, Spanglish was a pretty decent flick, certaintly not one of the worst movies ever.


That list is missing American Psycho...and Black Mail. Those two movies fucking blow.


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