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wanna be adult film stars...

Guest floorpie

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Originally posted by Crankshaft:

<font color ="midnightblue"> graemlins/wtf.gif am I the only one who is disgusted by this? This is the worst industry in the entire world- worse even than drugs, because it not only exploits morals and corrupts as drugs do, it sells human dignity so that some fat slob who has no life can sit at home and play with himself.


How can you justify promoting such an evil profession? I would be ashamed of myself, if I were you, and the fact that you seem to hold no qualms about it is revolting.

I'd call you a fag, but gay people like porn too.


People have sex all the time; hell, I had some this morning. :D I just didn't get paid for it, or have it on video. Some people choose to take video and get cash. Go preach to people who care (aka Church....but even then I'd bet over 50% of those church goers have enjoyed a good porn every now and then.).

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I know a former porn star. The lifestyle is addictive and so are the drugs that inevatably get thrown in the mix. Changing the environment in such a way changes ones view of social normalcy. Your views of sex/relationships/etc become skewed and the it becomes easy to rationalize things you would have never considered before. Its a messed up world. No lie.
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Guest powers
Originally posted by Crankshaft:

<font color ="midnightblue"> graemlins/wtf.gif am I the only one who is disgusted by this? This is the worst industry in the entire world- worse even than drugs, because it not only exploits morals and corrupts as drugs do, it sells human dignity so that some fat slob who has no life can sit at home and play with himself.


How can you justify promoting such an evil profession? I would be ashamed of myself, if I were you, and the fact that you seem to hold no qualms about it is revolting.

So what you saying is Porn is worse than drugs and violence.


When was the last time someone you know was killed by porn?


When was the last time someone was held up at gun point to get a fix for their porn addiction?


When was the last time you know of childern going hungry because their parents spend all of their money on their porn addiction?



Dude sex is no where near as bad as drugs and violence. If I were a parent i would much rather find a porn mag or video in my kids room than a crack rock or a gun.

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Guest Rane
Big Papa, when was the last time someone was held up at gunpoint for there porn fix. Try when some fat fucker who watched a porn vid gets out his pistol and goes raping young girls. Died? Read what they said about HIV. Rather we all like porn or not, that doesn't make it right. You guys agree with porn and get mad your girlfriends cheat on you because the world shows its ok to be a complete whore? Or are most of you just agree'ing with porn because you DON'T have a girlfriend and thats the only way you'd ever get off? Porn is wrong, dunno about worse then coke etc.
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Guest powers
Originally posted by Rane:

Big Papa, when was the last time someone was held up at gunpoint for there porn fix. Try when some fat fucker who watched a porn vid gets out his pistol and goes raping young girls. Died? Read what they said about HIV. Rather we all like porn or not, that doesn't make it right. You guys agree with porn and get mad your girlfriends cheat on you because the world shows its ok to be a complete whore? Or are most of you just agree'ing with porn because you DON'T have a girlfriend and thats the only way you'd ever get off? Porn is wrong, dunno about worse then coke etc.

I was tring to make the point that in no way is porn WORSE that drugs and violence.


Do you feel porn is worse than drugs or violence?

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Guest Rane
Nah, hardcore drugs are way wose. Crack,X etc. No contest, but it still plenty helps in the corruption of young america. However, its prolly worse then weed/and any regular legal substances. Cigars etc.
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Guest stevil
Originally posted by Rane:

Big Papa, when was the last time someone was held up at gunpoint for there porn fix. Try when some fat fucker who watched a porn vid gets out his pistol and goes raping young girls.

I don't think so. If anything, porn satisfies the sexual need and fat fucker does not rape anyone. You think fat fucker would need a training video and inspiration to rape someone?
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They do want couples. So if it's like girlfriend and boyfriend or husband and wife type of thing and they just do eachother then you shold not get any STD's.


We would not consider doing something like that though. Some other couples might.

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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

I know a former porn star. The lifestyle is addictive and so are the drugs that inevatably get thrown in the mix. Changing the environment in such a way changes ones view of social normalcy. Your views of sex/relationships/etc become skewed and the it becomes easy to rationalize things you would have never considered before. Its a messed up world. No lie.

I know that my view of normal/society is fucked already, Im sure I am not the only one.
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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> man... my post has been totally contorted. Dunno where to begin. *shrug*


A. - graemlins/finger.gif

B. - Did I ever say it wasn't profitable? But, there are other things out there besides porn that are positive boosters to the economy.


C. - I meant worst industry as it contributes nothing, and promotes the degeneration of moral fibers.


D. - graemlins/finger.gif


E. - Big Papa: "So what you saying is Porn is worse than drugs and violence." Where'd I say that? Point it out. I said porn is morally worse than drugs. R-E-A-D.


F. - Big Papa: "When was the last time someone you know was killed by porn?" Again, R-E-A-D.


G. - Big Papa: "When was the last time someone was held up at gun point to get a fix for their porn addiction?" R-E-A-D!!!!!!


H. - Big Papa: "When was the last time you know of childern going hungry because their parents spend all of their money on their porn addiction?" GOD DAMMIT READ!!!!!!


I. - Big Papa: "Dude sex is no where near as bad as drugs and violence. If I were a parent i would much rather find a porn mag or video in my kids room than a crack rock or a gun." Oh what-the-fuck-evar I give up.


J. - A lack of porn cannot be blamed for rape- there were rapings looooonnnggg before there was porn (not "houses of ill-repute", or "strip joints", but your mags, vids, and internet joints).


K. - And, to settle it for nitrousbird, yeah, I look at porn. Any normal male does. But there is a line, and there is a choice. I don't like porn, at all; the only enjoyment I get is physical; mentally/intellectually I'm repulsed that people could sell their bodies to an anonymous home "user". Porn is addicting for people- it becomes a habbit. That doesn't mean it's good.


I think that covers everything. Get a grip on reality. Porn is wrong, but it's here to stay. That is all.

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Guest nixon
this post is crazy, i was watching on life of a porn star a while ago on tv. As i was watching i was like holy shit this is the best job ever. except by the end a couple of the main people they had been following around got hiv. they interviewed the people later after they found out they contracted it and they said " you think everyones tested but they're not " . We should have a cr watching of the show. It would make you want to be a pornstar then the last 20 minutes you would be like hell no lol.
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Guest Rane
I wouldn't degrade myself enough to be a porn star. Thats all I'm gonna say in the nutshell, and I probably wont think as highly of anyone who does.
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