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Take mints to school, get expelled!


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Guest infamous me 235
i had a bottle of cologne in my front pocket at a dance, like homecoming or something, and put some on at the dance, got it taken away and got called down to the office the following monday and got threatened to get suspended because they thought drugs were in it
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Originally posted by Tenzig:

he got suspended, not expelled. Still pretty fucking stupidwtf does a kid that age need EXTRA energy for?

Yeah, that's what I meant. Sorry, all the mountain dew I drank in high school gave me ADD http://www.truckinohio.net/phpBB2/images/smiles/confused3.gif
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We had mints at lexus for awhile, maybe half the size if not smaller of the ones in this article. An older lady complained to the "boss" rick that they looked like drugs. So even though its a tin can that has the big Lexus L on them, off the shelf they went and now just sit in the bottom shelf buried away.
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Originally posted by Powered By Geo:

We had mints at lexus for awhile, maybe half the size if not smaller of the ones in this article. An older lady complained to the "boss" rick that they looked like drugs. So even though its a tin can that has the big Lexus L on them, off the shelf they went and now just sit in the bottom shelf buried away.

yo jono, get me a couple of those please. :D
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Originally posted by Powered By Geo:

We had mints at lexus for awhile, maybe half the size if not smaller of the ones in this article. An older lady complained to the "boss" rick that they looked like drugs. So even though its a tin can that has the big Lexus L on them, off the shelf they went and now just sit in the bottom shelf buried away.

Could I get some too?
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Originally posted by GSRchick714:

I can't believe that the school got away with suspending him. If he brings pop for all his friends will he get suspended again? :rolleyes:

he didn't get suspended for bringing in caffene to school. reason her got supsended was becuase the mints looked like drugs.


School officials suspended the boy for 10 days because school policy prohibits anything that resembles a drug.


zero tolerance is just that, also didn't help that kids were getting sick from eating them

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Guest GSRchick714
Originally posted by nathan96:

Yeah "sick" for 12 and 13 year olds is anything that could get them out of class or let them get to go home!

Very true...I used to always be "sick" even in elementary school...funny how me and my friends would be "sick" on the same day
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I eat penguin mints all the time. Its the only way I don't doze off during class.


Then again I work at a coffee shop which has created an unhealthy caffeine addiction at my early age.


I DO agree with the zero-tolerance policy. I DON'T agree with retarded rules. I know a girl from Dublin Scioto that would have a water bottle full of vodka in class every day and get drunk at school. Just because vodka is a clear liquid, does that mean water fountains and all clear beverages should be banned in school? No, it just means that teachers should be smart enough to notice when someone is getting plowed in their class.

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Originally posted by copperhead:





Our public school system has some serious issues these days. I think it's about time to reevaluate what the focus of school is suppose to be.

I think moreso, parents need to evaluate themselves.
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