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Deputy Murdered...


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I am sure some of you have heard about the Deputy in Marion county who was murdered this morning. I just learned that he was someone whom I knew. I have know him for a while, used to bowl with him and went on a few ride alongs as well. He was a super nice guy, and leaves behind a wife and 2 very young children.


I hope that they find the last person involved in this. Apparently, he was shot in the head and his cruiser was pushed into a ditch. All because he was trying to help someone out. I cant believe people these days. One of the suspects has a warrent out for his arrest, and I am sure that if he indeed was involved, that this was one of the reasons prompting the shooting.


Sometimes, an Eye for an Eye just doesnt seem like its enough.

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they were trafficing drugs, and that prompted the shooting. There are 3 suspects, 2 in custody, and 1 is still out there, and he WILL be found, bye the way these were mexicans ( not that is matters but kinda goes along with the drug thing )
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I grew up in Marion. Where he was shot (423) is literally only a mile or two down the road from where I lived from grades 6-12 (I lived right off of 423). It's weird it happened there simply because that's all country road and not really any crime around that area.


Sure sucks though.

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It sucks that he was shot and killed. I feel for his family.

I don't understand why everyone is like, kill the bastard that shot a cop... but if it's a normal person people don't show as much anger (I don't know if that's the right word) As a police officer, you know that you are risking your life every day to protect safety (kinda like the military)

With me saying this, I am by NO means saying that I don't feel the same way, but it was just a thought that popped in my head at 4am.

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Probably because not that many normal people will go out of their way to protect someone they have never met. Police and Fire are on a different level.


If they where illegals they probably won't even stand trial, since they aren't bound by our laws. Not really sure how it works but I bet they walk away, unless "something" happens to them.


I hope they catch the bastards and make them understand how that woman will no longer have a husband, and how those children no longer have a daddy.

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Guest riggs867
Originally posted by Vaccum Leaking V6:

It sucks that he was shot and killed. I feel for his family.

I don't understand why everyone is like, kill the bastard that shot a cop... but if it's a normal person people don't show as much anger (I don't know if that's the right word) As a police officer, you know that you are risking your life every day to protect safety (kinda like the military)

With me saying this, I am by NO means saying that I don't feel the same way, but it was just a thought that popped in my head at 4am.

I believe the common thought has to do with what the action represents. If a person will do this to a law enforcement / peace officer, this means that person would do anything to anyone. There is no question that an individual like this is a menace to society, and should be dealt with swiftly, forcefully, and in the eye of the public. The hope is that this will deter others from doing the same thing.
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I think we need public executions, swift justice for any & all murderers, rapists, & other criminal acts. Whether it's policemen, firefighters, or the guy next door. It still won't stop these acts, but at least these perpetrators will know that if they commit the crime - they'll be out of time -- Our society is out of control :mad:
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