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Columbus tuning...wtf?

el aguila

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Originally posted by Burst Knock:

No gang colors.


I'm indifferent on it right now. However, let them know I have a slow, auto tranny, Firebird that will meet their challenge. After all, it is Columbus, this is Columbus Racing, and we need to make a point :D

I'm working on that,,,I think they are about to start challenging me,,asking what I drive and all. So I have your blessing?
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Let's not be hypocritical about that site.


First of all, give them credit for not acting like assholes in the "CR found out about us thread." The biggest asshole in that thread (and in this one) is nismo. And give Adam credit for taking the heat pretty well here on CR. This thread has the ingredients for instant flame war and Adam is taking everyone's crap (including mine) pretty well.


Second, while 99% of internet message board users have a minimal grasp of our native language, they do a better job overall in terms of spelling and complete words and sentences than we do.


Third, regardless of whether it is through a filter or through rules, they don't have pages and pages of "asshat" and "fuck you" etc., and their board is not overloaded with people hurling insults at each other.


Fourth, regarding their performance vs. show stuff, note that there is barely anything in the show forums. Their "show" tastes are polar opposites of mine, but we've had enough lectures by members on this board of "to each his own." They may not be as involved in the work they do on their cars as most of our senior members, but the CR tech section has its share of stupid ricer questions. We all know that we have a ton of "ricers" on this board. As far as I'm concerned, nismo, wishiwascool, and all of the civic and integra people on this board are "ricers", but I don't hassle them. And how about Bobby Lee? For what it is worth, there is a thread where the CT people are making fun of a Cavalier with a giant wing. Just like CR. Except there aren't a ton of "fuck ricers" comments everywhere.


Fifth, there is an Evo, an IS300, and a Trans Am on there, as well as a 300Z. It looks like a small board that just recently got started, as there seem to be the same few people posting over and over. Not everyone has money for a late model F-body or Mustang. Don't cut people down for what they can't afford. It seems a good percentage of people on there have the same taste in cars as a good percentage of people on here. There are plenty of piece of shit cars on this board.


I realize that the CR admins have over a thousand people to contend with on here and pretty much any asshole or stupid kid who wants to can sign up here, so we get a lot of the trash and it is hard for Anthony & Co. to control. But the atmosphere over there is more congenial and positive than a lot of what we have here. Whether it will stay that way as that site grows remains to be seen, but give them credit for having a goood start and don't hassle them. It looks like they are trying.


They are car enthusiasts too, just with different tastes than here, and it looks like an honest board and the people don't seem to have a chip on their shoulder or a stick up their ass. We preach enough that we are a board of all kinds of enthusiasts, so it would be hypocritical for us to trash talk them. They are not my tastes, but then I don't care for drag racing and midnight street racing, either (I enjoy being part of the bigger picture here, though smile.gif ).


Lighten up, fellas, and think about the image you give CR, because you are speaking for a very diverse group of enthusiasts here.





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No, Nismo, you don't have everyone's blessing. There are a lot of people I would pick before you to represent CR.


Geez fellas, don't make this a gang war with another board :rolleyes: This is starting to sound like a rap video.

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By the way, Doug, although I am calling you an asshole, don't take it personal. smile.gif


EDIT: I went back and read what you wrote while I was writing, and I apologize - your first couple of posts sounded like you were being an ass, but what you wrote later turned out not to be. My bad.

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Doh. I starting replying to this thread 2 hours ago, when the F'n power went out in our neighborhood. smile.gif


More 'power' to anyone who wants to start a car forum; I was going to years ago.


But, God damn, be half-ass original. I have NO respect for guys that have to hang on CR's coattails.


EDIT: Tony - blah blah blah, and he wasn't asking for YOUR blessing.

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Originally posted by Tony:

No, Nismo, you don't have everyone's blessing. There are a lot of people I would pick before you to represent CR.


Geez fellas, don't make this a gang war with another board :rolleyes: This is starting to sound like a rap video.

First off your not everyone. Second show me how I was being a asshole. I believe they called us all assholes so I stood up for my fellow board members! As for me being a ricer,,,tell me how I'm a ricer,,no big wing,factory rims.
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Doug, read my edited post.


..Also, I'm not saying I'm everyone...I'm saying you don't represent everyone's opinions on here, so don't act like you do. I'm one, not everone; you asked for everyone's blessing, and I said to count me out.


You are a "ricer" because you modified a throwaway FWD Japanese compact car. But I think the word "ricer" in and of itself is stupid and if you've ever read any of my posts, I almost never use it, and when I do, I usually make fun of the word in context. I think that modifying FWD compact cars is a waste of time and money, but I don't razz people about it... to each his own.





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Originally posted by Tony:

Doug, read my edited post.


..Also, I'm not saying I'm everyone...I'm saying you don't represent everyone's opinions on here, so don't act like you do. I'm one, not everone; you asked for everyone's blessing, and I said to count me out.


You are a "ricer" because you modified a throwaway FWD Japanese compact car. But I think the word "ricer" in and of itself is stupid and if you've ever read any of my posts, I almost never use it, and when I do, I usually make fun of the word in context. I think that modifying FWD compact cars is a waste of time and money, but I don't razz people about it... to each his own.





I was asking for Anthony's blessing. You still didn't prove how I was a asshole.
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Originally posted by NurkVinny:

Doh. I starting replying to this thread 2 hours ago, when the F'n power went out in our neighborhood. smile.gif


More 'power' to anyone who wants to start a car forum; I was going to years ago.


But, God damn, be half-ass original. I have NO respect for guys that have to hang on CR's coattails.


EDIT: Tony - blah blah blah, and he wasn't asking for YOUR blessing.

I don't see how they are hanging on CR's coat tails . . . Why, because of their name? . . . It seems from the thread that they are vaguely familiar with CR at best, and are not really interested... :confused:


Yes, more power to anyone who wants to start a car forum.

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EDIT: I guess I don't need to answer your question about being an asshole:




on Today at 5:26pm, LexIS300 wrote:


This site (Columbus Tuning) is still very young and new. Most of the people who started the site are into tuning and making their rides go fast. This is why Columbus Tuning was decided on for the name. We just don't spend our lives and all our money doing it.


It's not our fault that "tuners" don't sign up for the site. Instead of bashing this site over on CR most "true tuners" would have supported it and did an alliance between the sites.


You can't judge a whole site by a few members. If I were to judge Columbus Racing by a couple of the members, I would have to say the site is loaded with a ton of assholes. It only takes a few people to make a whole group look bad.



Nismo wrote:


I see your point,,,I did not say or start anything until someone called the CR members assholes so I did what any person would do and stand-up for my fellow members.

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Originally posted by Tony:



You came in there, didn't introduce yourself, and deliberately started provoking them in your first 2-3 posts, especially the second one. That is, by the normal accepted standards of our society as a whole, being an asshole. You completely fulfilled their impression of CR being "jerks." Go back and read what you wrote. If you can't see that, then you need to learn some manners.

But you weren't acting like an asshole after that. I realize that and I apologized above. You have a tendency to start off on people with a hot head. . . didn't you go of on a cop on here for no reason when he first joined? I know you're a decent guy and that you work hard to make your car faster and go to the dragstrip a lot. Just don't be so quick to jump on people.


- T

Yes I did jump Deputy alittle at first,,,it just seemed odd to me a cop would be on a racing forum where sometimes street racing happens,,after him and I exchanged a few PM's we came to see things on a level playing field. Yes I do come off alittle hot sometimes but its always provoked. Have you ever met me? Have you ever heard of me just going off on someone for no reason?
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Originally posted by Nismo:

Yes I did jump Deputy alittle at first,,,it just seemed odd to me a cop would be on a racing forum where sometimes street racing happens,,after him and I exchanged a few PM's we came to see things on a level playing field. Yes I do come off alittle hot sometimes but its always provoked. Have you ever met me? Have you ever heard of me just going off on someone for no reason?

Stop speaking for CR. I should give you a vacation for "representing" our board over there.


You have a lot of growing up to do.

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