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which motherboard to choose?


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That's the list of Micro ATX boards that newegg has.


I would like something that I can game with, built in LAN and sound. Video would be nice, because it will be a while before I can afford a good video card. I think that all the boards on that list will run an AMD XP processor, but I'm not sure what other AMD chips will run on the same board. The board must be reliable, and I don't want to have to fight it to get all the onboard stuff set up.


I'm asking because I've not been paying any attention to the computer industry. I saw that there are several new brands that I have never heard of, and I don't know whats good. I've always used Asus, but to be honest, I'm getting tired of fighting the board. Right now, I can't get the board in my desktop to let me install the driver for the built in NIC. It's frustrating. I've had issues with a lot of other Asus boards too.


Enough rambling, thanks in advance for the help.

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Originally posted by Perfect Enemy:

I run ASUS boards and I love them.


What is the purpose of this machine?

just a run of the mill desktop for some gaming, and small footprint. I ended up getting an Asus A7N8X-VM/400



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I have always been an Asus/Gigabyte guy, but I think when I switch over from Intel to the Athlon 64 here shortly I'm going to try out MSI. I gave Abit a try one time on a customer's system out of good recommendations and I did not like the board or the BIOS at all.
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Originally posted by Drunkendubber:

haha listen to chris. amd fx series > any attempt at intel's EE chips at being good


Chris' response - but you can overclock 'em soo much high....with liquid nitrogen. and you cant afford either so nah.

(i forget anything)

What ? YOU of all people should know if I want something for my computer I get it.
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MSI is a good board but you dont get many options. If you are looking to tweak your shit to christ and back find a new board, if you want a solid board that can do what you you need and nothing else thats the msi, however they are adding more tidbits on delux models
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