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Originally posted by 00 T/A:


That's just because there aren't any Mac applications worth using more than 30 minutes. :D


Have you seen any errors prior to the reboot?? Try to keep a keen eye on it, something probably pops up prior to the reboot.

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Guest RdHondaSi

Get Motherboard Monitor(or similar). As everyone said it could be heat or your Power supply.(Won't check each rail for balance though)

Have it log your voltages and temps to a log file and after it crashes again, review it.


Makes sure your IRQ's are not in conflict. Some Motherboards have shared IRQ slots. Make sure that if you do have a shared IRQ, it is not something that is used at the same time.

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check your memory like anthony said, a stick at a time.


If it continues, check for power issues. If you have a lot of hard drives/cd rom drives what have you, try unplugging a couple that are needed to test what the issue is. If after a while you do the same thing that you were doing with it rebooting and it doesn't, then it's a power supply.


If it STILL does the same stuff, try the heat thing by taking off your case side and putting a fan on it directly to see how much it affects it. If none of those things solve crap, then start thinking hard drive. If you replace the HD and it does the same shit yet again, then your mobo is just going down the tubes but usually random reboots are the above mentioned.



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Guest Bauer

Could also be some sort of virus.


We had something similar happen to the 'puters at work becuase of a virus. Do you have any virus protection and/or firewall software on your computer?

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