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Science Abuse

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The moment you've all been waiting for;

Little got published, though not in english, for the work she did there. What she wrote can be read in some big famous library in some eastern block country, who's name currently escapes me. I'm proud, and still defensive...bitches!

click my little freind


She's not for you!


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Originally posted by Trouble Maker:



And WTF is wrong with your family? They all like studying history and dead languages? tongue.gif

history is easy, it's already happened. ;) You've been to college, what's a history professor do?...right, now what is he paid to do it? I'll take that job.
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Originally posted by Orion:

what is it with you ugly mofos having cute sisters, anyways?

Where's your cute sister at then?


Originally posted by The Stig:

You've been to college, what's a history professor do?...right, now what is he paid to do it? I'll take that job.

Not paid very well usually.


I don't know. I was fortunate enough to not have to take any of those god forsaken classes.


The only history teacher I had any interaction with was our fraternity 'advisor'. This guy had a purported innumerable amount of degrees in different crap, but he couldn't seem to get full sentences out. He's a MAJOR burnout who probably did a shit ton of LSD back in the 60's. He once stopped in the middle of a sentence for a full minute right in the middle of a seemingly rehearsed speech to us. He mostly came into our weekly meetings every once in a while and chastised us for being the idiots we were, while saying uhhhhh in between every other word. It was actually pretty funny. Funnier yet, people said he was the exact same way teaching his classes. I'm REALLY glad I didn't have him for any classes.


Obviously, history professors have yet to impress me. ;)

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not quite....assholes. tongue.gif


Only other pic on the web


Edit: Since I was dumb enough to click on your log-off link, I'll be smart enough to just edit it out. No doing that.....if no nuddies are provided, just state none are available.


[ 11. June 2005, 12:52 AM: Message edited by: Nitrousbird ]

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