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Guest busteryhyman

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Guest busteryhyman

okay, so i just ended it with my current relationship cuz i was getting the crap beat out of me. The cops came a little bit ago and made her leave and i had blood dripping down my face , etc and they wouldnt even do anything about it.


any suggestions on what i should do?

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Originally posted by Turd Ferguson:

okay, so i just ended it with my current relationship cuz i was getting the crap beat out of me. The cops came a little bit ago and made her leave and i had blood dripping down my face , etc and they wouldnt even do anything about it.


any suggestions on what i should do?

Call their supervisor. If you don't know their name, they can look it up. The officer had to file a report, and it will have her, or your, name on it.
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Originally posted by Browning:

beat her up back? Yea that would be good....... graemlins/gay.gif



it would be a cat fight, pally.



But I agree, legaly whopping her ass in retort wouldn't be wise. You've got the upper hand, you can press charges. The fact that police showed up is going to be foo for prosecution. But deffinately contact the cops C.O. and report this. Did the cop take any statements?


Never ever ever thought I'd say this, but there's the discrimination card. It's entirely possible that the cops didn't do shit because of your particular type of relationship. In the most un'PC terms, "They wuz'int gunna report no dyke fight".

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Guest busteryhyman
yup but the bitch is gone. cops did a restaining order today. i wont hit anyone unless it's completely necessary, that's what my brothers are for. fuck her. graemlins/finger.gif
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I'm sorry to hear about her hitting you, unfortunately, you don't want to hit her back because then she can say that you hit her first etc.... (especially if you end up whooping the shit out of her) as said above, call the police station and report the cop that wouldn't file the report against her.


P.S. now would be a good time for revenge on her if you have nekkid pictures of her graemlins/leghump.gif j/k

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wow, sorry to hear that...you are better off. it takes a very strong person to not hit a someone when they are attacking you. so ignore the b/s ego slams. New Years is coming up! lots of killer parties to choose from. everybody gets laid on New Years Eve at the very least. You will meet someone new:)
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Originally posted by girlygirl18t:

wow, sorry to hear that...you are better off. it takes a very strong person to not hit a someone when they are attacking you. so ignore the b/s ego slams. New Years is coming up! lots of killer parties to choose from. everybody gets laid on New Years Eve at the very least. You will meet someone new:)

what parties do you go to? I wanna go.
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