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Possibly moving...opinions on cities. please


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I got a new job and I might have to move to one of the following cities. I'm going to try to stay in Columbus if I can. That may not be an option so here is the list of potential choices.


St. Louis, MO

Columbus, OH

Richmond, VA

Indianapolis, IN

Buffalo, NY

Greensboro, NC

Louisville, KY

Orlando, FL

Ft. Lauderdale, FL


So if anyone has lived/visited any of these places. Input would be helpfull.





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Originally posted by Ben1:

St. Louis the best just because of its general enviroment.

Incorrect. Perhaps the outlying areas, but lets not forget that a couple years ago it led the nation in violent crime. Though unseated, I know its still up there on the list. On top of that it has the worst drainage of any city I have ever driven in. I've been through alot of cities, and no where else have I found a foot of standing water on the highways. Summer is hotter and more humid then here, floods are problematic, and crime is a consideration. You can find nice places, but they're off in the boonies, like St Charles.
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I lived in Indianapolis for several years. It is very comparable to Columbus in a number of ways - population, cost of living, geographic size, layout, crime rates, and demographics.


However, here are some differences, based on my opinion:


-Indy is a much more conservative, Republican city.


-Indy is, for some reason, much colder during the winter. I have a hard time explaining that, but that's just the way it was for me.


-Indy probably has more sports attractions: they have the Colts and the Pacers, as well as the Indianapolis 500, which is one of the greatest sports spectacles on Earth.


I could probably give you more, but I'm not sure what else you're looking for. Overall, I really like Indy, probably because I really like Columbus.

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I am partial to Richmond b/c of my ex living there. It really is a beautiful city. Excellent year-round weather (never a ton of snow, only down to 30s-40s lowest in the winter, summers are warm but not too hot). Beautiful historic district (The Fan) and you're 2 hours away from the beach.


That, or NC. I also have a buddy at GE in Wilmington and he goes on and on about the great, young atmosphere (read: tons of hot chicks and great nightlife. I'm sure there are a lot of guys good for the ladies too!). Plus, The Carolinas have been booming in the last few years economically speaking.


I would seriously advise you to think about the economy of where you will be living. Columbus is actually a great city that is getting stronger by the year. Look to the Mid-Atlantic states or out West. graemlins/thumb.gif

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Thanks everybody:) I hate snow and I have a motorcycle, so the warmer the better. My family, boyfriend, and friends are here. But they can visit:) I would love to live in Ft. Lauderdale, but it is soo expensive. Plus I would be in the home maybe two days a week at the most. $750 for a one bedroom is a little silly for only being home 8-10 days a month.
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Originally posted by girlygirl18t:

Thanks everybody:) I hate snow and I have a motorcycle, so the warmer the better. My family, boyfriend, and friends are here. But they can visit:) I would love to live in Ft. Lauderdale, but it is soo expensive. Plus I would be in the home maybe two days a week at the most. $750 for a one bedroom is a little silly for only being home 8-10 days a month.

i've traveled ALOT for my job, and the only place i would consider moving to so far is one of a few cities in puerto rico. either ponce on the south shore, arecibo on the north shore, or possibly isle verde,a suburb of san juan. it's cheap, the weather is unbeleiveable, the food is awesome, and the taco:burrito ratio is 5:1.but i have a family now, so we're stayin in columbus.
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Originally posted by Zeitgeist:


That, or NC. I also have a buddy at GE in Wilmington and he goes on and on about the great, young atmosphere (read: tons of hot chicks and great nightlife. I'm sure there are a lot of guys good for the ladies too!). Plus, The Carolinas have been booming in the last few years economically speaking.

i used to live in wilmington last year and it rocked and i am moving back soon. But greensboro sucks, all the fucking marines thinks they are gods gift to humanity. Not disrespect to any marines on here just alot of the ones i experienced there.
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St. Louis, MO (never been there)

Columbus, OH (Home of Turbo Donkey racing)

Richmond, VA (home of Marlboro and thats about it)

Indianapolis, IN (sucks unless something is happening at the track)

Buffalo, NY (Snow = the suck)

Greensboro, NC (you could buy Dave a endless amount of flannels and other hillbilly apparel living there)

Louisville, KY(Nice car scene down there but police drive unmarked F-bodys hard to see on the freeway)

Orlando, FL (A large rat lives there weather is good thou)

Ft. Lauderdale, FL (the best location on this list and would def. get my vote)

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Guest GSRchick714

I would pick Florida for sure!

I've only been to Orlando and Indianapolis..and a little south of Ft. Lauderdale.

Indianapolis is quite similar to Columbus...I've been there a ton and its not very exciting really.

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