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ebay question


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so i bought 2 concert tickets on ebay for $69.00 and the lady's S/H fee was ridiculously excessive at $15.95, well i email to try to work something out because we literally probably only live 30 minutes apart with bad traffic. she replies in a rather harsh manner and basically says that the S/H cost is so high to cover her ebay costs, paypal costs, and to help if the tickets sold for less than face value which at $69.00 they did, but once the $15.95 was added i only paid maybe a few bucks less than if i went through ticketmaster. isnt there some kind of ebay policy for that and not being able to just make up any S/H fee that you want cuz wtf :mad: , i guess i dont really care cuz i paid anyways but i figured id just rant and maybe find a way to report her shaddy practice. graemlins/thumbsdown.gif



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yeah it said "standard flat rate shipping at $15.95" but said nothing else so I was trying to go with the convienence of how close we were and go that route then she blew up and said the above stuff and then some... i have all the emails haha
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If she stated the shipping costs on the auction... and you bid, and won..... then you are obligated to pay the total price.


If you want to arrange for pick up... that really needs to be done (and documented) before you bid on the auction.


I always check S&H before I bid as this inflated shipping cost issue is becoming more and more common...


Sorry to hear you got caught....

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Uh, this is your own fault.


It is VERY common practice for sellers to inflate their shipping cost. This is why you factor that in when you make your bid.


I paid $30 shipping for a small set of mirrors thru regular UPS. But I won the auction knowing the overall cost, and what it would compare to the overall cost of getting them elsewhere.


It's your fault. Pay the whole amount and rack it up as a lesson learned on your part. The lady did NOTHING wrong. If you wanted to arrange some sort of pick up, YOU SHOULD HAVE DONE THAT BEFORE BIDDING ON THE AUCTION!

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