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Movie Review: TROY


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I just got back from seeing a pre-release of "Troy" at Lennox.


Overall, a decent film. Long-winded at 2hrs 50min but the story pace was perfect. Entertaining and relatively easy to follow along, which is a good thing since it had so many subplots (some poignant, some unnecessary). Battle scenes were good, but nothing like "Gladiator". This movie sucks Brad Pitt's cock as Achilles, the greatest Greek warrior ever, because he was damn near invincible until (obviously) the end of the film. This was supposedly the most expensive movie made to date. I didn't find that out 'til after the flick, but it didn't make me appreciate the film anymore.


RATING: 3.5 out of 5 stars. Because of length of film, battles, scenery and interesting storyline, it's worthy of your $8.50 to see it.


ONE-LINE SYNAPSIS: No matter how big of a hard-ass you appear to the world, PUSSY will always be your downfall. smile.gif

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I wasn't impressed at all by Gladiator's fights scenes. That is, the secnes were good - the filming of them sucked. Switching to every-other-frame and 15fps mode in a full sized film is pure cheeze. Better ways to convey the cnfusion and franticness of cmbat than that... eh.


Haven't seen this film yet. Probably will wait for DVD. Did Pitt play Achilles as the asshole he was supposed to be, or did they re-invent Achilles as a "good guy"?

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Mowgli: From the trailers I've seen (and I've been anticipating the movie for some time now) it looks like kinda half and half. In some scenes he acts like an arrogant ass. In others he's not a bad guy, but I think for the most part they kept him arrogant.


I dislike Paris more than anyone else. He's a spoiled little pissant. Can't wait to watch Menelaus kick his ass (until it's stopped anyway).

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"Immortality, take it! ITs yours!" Pitt is a douche and should stick to modeling underware, something he needs no talent to do. I havent seen the movie but i'm not a very big fan of his.


He did help me get my first piece, popped in Legends of the Fall and it was on like DOnkey Kong smile.gif

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Just saw it tonight.


I give 4 out of 5 stars. Keeps you interested, which is hard to do when you already know 90% of the story line.


Another thing I liked about it was the size and scope. huge, and that made it exciting.


However, I bet this movie would not be quite as good on DVD unless you have a killer home theatre setup.

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

I wasn't impressed at all by Gladiator's fights scenes. That is, the secnes were good - the filming of them sucked. Switching to every-other-frame and 15fps mode in a full sized film is pure cheeze. Better ways to convey the cnfusion and franticness of cmbat than that... eh.

I have to respectfully disagree. I remember the opening sequence (e.g., "On my signal, unleash Hell...") being masterful, and I particularly liked the filming - something about the filming speed or film quality that reminded me of the opening sequence to Saving Private Ryan (which, IMO, is the most griping and intense opening sequence of any movie, ever).
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Well I got to see it last night. Awesome movie. I honestly can't think of anything that I disliked about the movie. Fighting was great, the actors all did such a great job with their roles, costumes were awesome, and the story was told with absolute precision. My girlfriend didn't know anything about the story before going in, and afterward had no questions about the movie and she's not even into these types of movies.


I rated it 10/10 on imdb.com (and I don't give out many 10/10 ratings).

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I'd call it an awsome movie, had I not read the illiad, not payed any atention to the show ont he discovery channel about the actual war.

It was a fairly decent movie, but there way to many liberties taken with the story. the dialog, at points, was lacking, or downright corny. Achilles was still made to be the arrogant ass, up untill the end. Hecters part was played pretty well, and everyone in the theater likely wanted to beat the hell out of Paris. Also, I saw way to much of prad pits asscrack to realy enjoy the movie, so guys, have a hand ready to put between your eyes and that porton of the screen.

I give it a 2.5 out of 5.

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Guest chochmo
I would have liked to see more of the Gods from the Illiad in it, but I still think it was a great movie. I guess though it would have been like 5 hrs. long if they put all the gods in there and stuff.
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Originally posted by Slowica GT:

Great movie. I enjoyed it.


I would really like to see them continue on with Sean Bean and do The Odyssey. That would kick ass.

that would probably have to be at least a trillogy to be done right. ;)


There are romantic aspects to the film, and there is bloodspray, so I guess it depends on the girl. I brought a date to the movie, and she, like I, was unimpressed. I left myself open to be cast aside for thoughts of brad pit in a skirt. :-p

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Originally posted by AT9 FOX BDY STNG:

good movie....HOWEVER, thousands of soldiers fighting for 1 woman???? WOW

If that is why you think Sparta attacked Troy then did you even watch the movie? The king of Sparta even told Menelaus (not in these words of course) that he didn't give a shit about that woman, that he was there to take Troy...


And also, didn't this war last 10-15 years between Sparta and Troy rather than a few weeks? Historically this movie was very incorrect (if you believe these events ever happened ;) ).. Helen has a daughter, Paris dies in battle, Helen marries Paris's younger brother, Menelaus kills Helen's husband, takes back Helen, Helen kills herself and so on... Damn, I'm a dork. :D


Oh well, good movie IMO.. gladiator/braveheart mix.


[ 17. May 2004, 11:55 AM: Message edited by: Crocostimpy ]

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Originally posted by Venomss:

I have to respectfully disagree. I remember the opening sequence (e.g., "On my signal, unleash Hell...") being masterful, and I particularly liked the filming - something about the filming speed or film quality that reminded me of the opening sequence to Saving Private Ryan (which, IMO, is the most griping and intense opening sequence of any movie, ever).

This is all opinion:


That opening scene is exactly the one I was thinking of as well. I thought it sucked. I remember thinking in the theatre "hmm, if you can't afford the extras, or dont wanna take the time for real battle choreography, why not remove evey other frame and shake the camera around the 10 guys you hired to dance around each other in skirts? Sure....".


It worked better in SPR for a couple reasons, 1. SPR didn't go down to 15fps, 2. it was first person perspective, 3. there was a WWII precident of motorola camera captures that it evokes. I don't recall any wind-up cameras in Rome... it was a cheap stylistic conceit. Braveheart did it better. Hell, Keneth Branaugh's Henry V did it ten times as better with maybe 1/100 the budget. Ten times better? N oI'm being too nice, Agincourt kicked the shit out of Gladiator's opening scene. I will admit the in the more personal duel scenes it seemed to work much better. The acting in Gladiator was great too, seriously.


But that opening scene? "On my signal, unleash Hell." Gark! I almost moaned out loud in my seat.


How about: "On my signal, make with the PURE CHEEEEZE"


Thats just my opinion. By way of comparison, I think most of Jerry Bruckheimer flicks suck sweaty donkey balls too, but unlike Gladiator, they suck from stem to stern, dialog to photography. But they set new highs in hte suckitude of editting. Hello editting school? I'd like to enroll my friend Jerry for remedial editting class. Thanks. The Rock? Crap. Armageddon? Crap. Days of Thunder? Crap. Gone in 60 seconds? Crap. And so on... :D

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Originally posted by Mowgli:

How about: "On my signal, make with the PURE CHEEEEZE"

LOL - talk about different takes, huh?


In any event, you make compelling arguments, and I agree with the majority of your statements. You won't get much of a retort from me.

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