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Oh Noes! Drama at the subdermal level! *pics*

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> Seriously, it's about to get gross. Like dry-heave gross. You really don't want to read this, but I have to share it anyways- even if no one does read it. Anyone who gets queasy at blood, puss, or human anatomy should go no further. You've been warned.




































redface.gif I don't know why I'm sharing this, it just feels like the right thing to do after what I've gone through. :(


Ok, so the last few days, there's been this red bump (not really a zit) growing on my cheek. Since friday it's gotten bigger and bigger, redder, and angrier, and I tried everything to get rid of it. Finally (today) when it's about the size of a dime and about a good centimeter off my cheek, and people are pointing and laughing, I get fed up.


I've looked at it before, and it was much too deep to try and pop (so deep I could feel it inside my cheek). But today, I looked close, and there was a tiny--very tiny white dot on it. I thought it couldn't get much uglier than it is, and pressed hard on it from opposite directions with thumb and forefinger. graemlins/puke.gif










The flood gates opened.


With God as my witness, it COVERED the bathroom mirror 2 or three times in blood, and then sticky yellow puss. I pumped it for 5 or 6 minutes and doused it with hydrogen peroxide. Ever seen those desert lizards who squirt blood several feet into the air from their eyes as self-defense? They got nothin' on me. This seriously shot out in a straight red line and hosed the mirror. Most disgusting thing I've ever seen, and at the same time, the coolest.


I don't know what to call it, because it was like no pimple or zit I've ever heard of. Maybe a boil?

"med- pus-filled abscess on skin: a painful pus-filled abscess on the skin caused by bacterial infection of a hair follicle"


I've never heard of someone getting a boil in recent times, but I know God used to give them to people who pissed Him off. Now I see why.


And I'm just as grossed out as you probably are reading this, but it happened to me, so... it's a little more poignant and tragic.


I know I'm not the only person this has ever happened to, but damn, it was weird. I've been miserable the last few days, though; walking around school trying to hide my face. I'm a senior, I'm 18! I'm past this stuff, right?! I didn't know what it was, or when it would go away (or if it would at all). So I'm glad it's over. Any ideas on what it was or similar stories? And anyone know anything I can put on it now to make it heal faster?


[ 11. May 2004, 09:26 PM: Message edited by: The Silent God ]

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> If you really want pictures, yeah, sure.


The stuff that looks like liquid on it is Mentholatem, not puss. Damn, looking at it from that close it looks like a fucking nipple :eek:













To give you an idea, it was much bigger. I feel alot better that I killed it, but now I have to wait for this bugger to die too. Any suggestions on healing it quick?

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by B Dubs:

lol, gross, dont share

<font color ="midnightblue"> Thanks man, appreciate the support graemlins/thumb.gif



As for those of you who used accutane, there's a company out there now that will help "victims" sue the company. There's a whole list of side-effects, some including cancer, I believe (not sure). Don't know what the site is, but check up on it. Might be some money involved. smile.gif


And according to some other people, this is def a boil, and I should hot-pack it. Anyone know how to do this? I don't have a hot pack, but I figured boiling some water then dipping a rag in it would produce a similar effect.




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yup, thats a boil. having dealt with people in third world countries, i can tell you, were not past it. the bust thing for it is to lance it, which youve already done (sort of), now, just make sure to keep it clean. gentle heat, provided by a warm soapy wash cloth held over the area for 30 minutes three to four times a day, speeds up the healing process. putting medication on the boil will not cure it because the medicine does not penetrate into the infected skin, however a thin coat of antibiotic ointment (polysporin) and a Band-Aid over the boil will keep the germs from spreading. and trust me, you dont want them to. sometimes, an oral antibitoic is required. if it hasnt started to go away witihin the week, id go see a doctor, get a prescription. hope that helps, homie.
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survivor / it cleared me right up with no ill side effects.


The accutane horror stories a mostly sensationalized or resulted from lack of required testing.


I was happier while on accutane than I was before it. Probably cause I was pretty sure I wasnt going to be fucking disgusting to look at in 10 weeks.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Orion:

yup, thats a boil. having dealt with people in third world countries, i can tell you, were not past it. the bust thing for it is to lance it, which youve already done (sort of), now, just make sure to keep it clean. gentle heat, provided by a warm soapy wash cloth held over the area for 30 minutes three to four times a day, speeds up the healing process. putting medication on the boil will not cure it because the medicine does not penetrate into the infected skin, however a thin coat of antibiotic ointment (polysporin) and a Band-Aid over the boil will keep the germs from spreading. and trust me, you dont want them to. sometimes, an oral antibitoic is required. if it hasnt started to go away witihin the week, id go see a doctor, get a prescription. hope that helps, homie.

<font color ="midnightblue"> This may seem dumb, but what happens if the germs do spread? I thought that the bacteria was limited to an open sore? Will they spread to other pores and create more boils? I've saturated the area with alcohol and hydrogen-peroxide, and squeezed it until only plasma came out. It's empty, and I'm pretty sure it's clean?


I don't want to be a hypochondriac about this, but now you've got me worried. You sound like you really know what you're talking about, though, and that does help...alot.


Situation Update: It's been 3 hours since I popped it, and it's looking A LOT better. Mostly just looks like a tiny scab, almost like a shaving nick. I've put more peroxide and alcohol on it, and have dabbed it with a hot cloth for the last half-hour. *very relieved at this point*




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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

survivor / it cleared me right up with no ill side effects.


The accutane horror stories a mostly sensationalized or resulted from lack of required testing.


I was happier while on accutane than I was before it. Probably cause I was pretty sure I wasnt going to be fucking disgusting to look at in 10 weeks.

I stayed on it for about a month, I havent been more depressed in my entire life than I was for that month (well, about 2 weeks into the month).


I've considered going back on it though, it does work great..

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orion is correct, It can travel sub dermal style if you put a lot of pressure on it. Generally the weaker part of the infection is the subcutaneous portion. That bursts first and you have a first rate infection that can create multiple boils. Do what he said and you should be ok.
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Guest Tony_K

Nothin' like the feeling of relief when that huge sore zit bursts open and shoots out that little semi-solid bit of pus along with all the spray of blood and pus.


Nothin' like the sound of the spray of hot pus hitting the mirror, and the excitement of looking to see how much, how far!


I once squeezed a zit that shot me in the eye. Damn. Didn't bother my eye - just felt a little warm; but the thought of it - yuk!


Garrett - carve that thing out with an x-acto knife and smear a little tinted Oxy - will look just fine!

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Tony_K:

Nothin' like the feeling of relief when that huge sore zit bursts open and shoots out that little semi-solid bit of pus along with all the spray of blood and pus.


Nothin' like the sound of the spray of hot pus hitting the mirror, and the excitement of looking to see how much, how far!


I once squeezed a zit that shot me in the eye. Damn. Didn't bother my eye - just felt a little warm; but the thought of it - yuk!


Garrett - carve that thing out with an x-acto knife and smear a little tinted Oxy - will look just fine!



<font color ="midnightblue"> @ Ken- thanks, cause every now and then I've been squeezin' it to get any lurking puss out. *stops* I'll just keep heating it and let all you anxious folks know what's up with it either tonight when I hit the sack, or tomorrow afternoon (or morning, if it's bad and I don't go to school). *eek!* :(redface.gif




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Originally posted by iwishiwascool:

orion is correct, It can travel sub dermal style if you put a lot of pressure on it. Generally the weaker part of the infection is the subcutaneous portion. That bursts first and you have a first rate infection that can create multiple boils. Do what he said and you should be ok.

and thats why if you have a zit, pimple, or other subcuteaneous infection (like a boil) it is better to lance it than to pop it. its easy, and it doesnt hurt. i used to have acne pretty bad, and i would pop them, but it just seemed to create more. i read that (see above) somewhere, and i started using a sterilized needle to poke a hole, and then squeeze, and my acne started to clear up. it works, seriously.


glad i could help, man.


as an aside, in kosovo we sometimes didnt have any antibacterial agents, or hydrogen peroxide. in that situation, the doc i was with would use (get this) bleach. he said it would hurt, obviously, but there isnt a human germ alive that doesnt get killed in bleach.

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this is an awsome story - I worked w/ a guy that had a growth on this cheek, right underneath the tmj. It kept getting bigger and the dude didnt know wtf was up. He started to grow a beard to help mask the thing but it grew larger so he became concerned. He went to the doctor and they removed a 14" piece of ingrown hair from his cheek w/ a knife and some pressure. The dude looked normal after that, fn gross though.


My wifey had one on her leg about 3 years ago, right underneath her arse. Doc said to keep the hot water thing going and to apply a little pressure. We cranked up the hot tub at her moms and sat in it for a few minutes. Got out, pushed and all kinds of nasty stuff exploded outward. Yuck.


O and i work for a pharmacutical company. Accutane is some nasty shit. You have to take a class on how to use it and the script is only good for 9 days by federal law so we were unable to dispense it through the mail any longer. I hear it works well but does cause some crazy side effects if not used properly. It is a c2.

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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by Mr Blunt 2gnt:

this is an awsome story - I worked w/ a guy that had a growth on this cheek, right underneath the tmj. It kept getting bigger and the dude didnt know wtf was up. He started to grow a beard to help mask the thing but it grew larger so he became concerned. He went to the doctor and they removed a 14" piece of ingrown hair from his cheek w/ a knife and some pressure. The dude looked normal after that, fn gross though.


My wifey had one on her leg about 3 years ago, right underneath her arse. Doc said to keep the hot water thing going and to apply a little pressure. We cranked up the hot tub at her moms and sat in it for a few minutes. Got out, pushed and all kinds of nasty stuff exploded outward. Yuck.


O and i work for a pharmacutical company. Accutane is some nasty shit. You have to take a class on how to use it and the script is only good for 9 days by federal law so we were unable to dispense it through the mail any longer. I hear it works well but does cause some crazy side effects if not used properly. It is a c2.

<font color ="midnightblue"> :eek: your stories > mine




and what's a c2?




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