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So.... food poisoning sucks

Guest Crankshaft

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Guest Crankshaft

<font color ="midnightblue"> It all started with the ground-beef lasagna around 1830 hrs last night. Everything was going smoothly until about 0300 hrs when I remember dreaming about having stomach pains. I slowly wake up, then it hits me. I dive down off my bed (it's lofted) and make a b-line for the trash can. And so, for the next 10 or so hours, I proceeded to deplete my body of all hydrates, while giving my abs a thorough workout from a fetal-like position above the toilet. I thought it was the flu for a while, but the flu doesn't just up and bitch slap you out of no-where at 3 in the morning, does it? So, FP is my best guess. I did miss class this morning, so some good came of it. graemlins/puke.gif


food poisoning > me


anyone else ever deal with this shit? There's nothing you can really do once you have it, right? I was wondering about taking pills or something, but I doubt they would have stayed down.

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I have been poisoned twice and wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. The second time I at least knew to keep drinking water to try and stay hydrated, and also have something to puke up, besides bile, every 10-15 minutes. Then just ride it out.


The gestation period of most food born illnesses is 12 to 24 hours. That would mean you were more likely to have been exposed to the bacteria at lunch, or even breakfast.

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I also feel for you. My experience was very similar. Felt fine when I went to bed. Had no alcohol that day. Woke up ~2am and BARELY made it to the bathroom. Vomited violently half a dozen times through the night, and went back to bed. Felt normal again the next morning (besides the overworked stomach muscles). I had been to a pot-luck that day for lunch.
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Guest LexIS300
Originally posted by Folkvang:

<font color ="midnightblue"> It all started with the ground-beef lasagna around 1830 hrs last night. Everything was going smoothly until about 0300 hrs when I remember dreaming about having stomach pains. I slowly wake up, then it hits me. I dive down off my bed (it's lofted) and make a b-line for the trash can. And so, for the next 10 or so hours, I proceeded to deplete my body of all hydrates, while giving my abs a thorough workout from a fetal-like position above the toilet. I thought it was the flu for a while, but the flu doesn't just up and bitch slap you out of no-where at 3 in the morning, does it? So, FP is my best guess. I did miss class this morning, so some good came of it. graemlins/puke.gif


food poisoning > me


anyone else ever deal with this shit? There's nothing you can really do once you have it, right? I was wondering about taking pills or something, but I doubt they would have stayed down.

Acually I had this about 2 weeks ago. At first I though it was food poisoning also, but like 2 days later there was a big thing on the local news about a virus going around. Hitting all at once was one of the things that came with it. I was like you I woke up and felt a little sick and 15 mins later I was done for! The pains in your joints and back alone was killer enough!
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Guest Crankshaft
Originally posted by NurkVinny:

I also feel for you. My experience was very similar. Felt fine when I went to bed. Had no alcohol that day. Woke up ~2am and BARELY made it to the bathroom. Vomited violently half a dozen times through the night, and went back to bed. Felt normal again the next morning (besides the overworked stomach muscles). I had been to a pot-luck that day for lunch.

<font color ="midnightblue"> Yeah, that's about the size of it. Dry hurling is the worst, just heaving over and over again, but nothing comes up. *ugh* My sympathies for whoever has gotten this, or will eventually get it.
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